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  • Secretary Geithner testifying.

    Secretary Geithner on Capitol Hill

    Secretary Geithner testified before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government on the President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Budget request for the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

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  • Secretary Geithner at his desk signing a letter

    Secretary Geithner Sends Debt Limit Letter to Congress

    Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner sent the following letter to Congress regarding the debt limit.

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  • Treasury Building

    TARP Bank Programs Turn Profit

    Treasury announced that the Troubled Asset Relief Program’s (TARP) investment in banks has now turned a profit after three financial institutions repaid a total of $7.4 billion in TARP funds today to taxpayers. Treasury also released a new analysis that evaluates the fiscal cost of the government’s broader efforts to restore financial stability.

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Treasury for Students Teachers.jpg

​The duties and initiatives of Treasury have developed extensively since the 1789 Act of Congress that established the Department. Learn more about the history of Treasury and its current duties and initiatives, including financial education.

Treasury for Small Biz.jpg

Treasury oversees a number of programs designed to help ensure that small businesses have access to the credit they need to grow and thrive and to create jobs in local communities across the United States.

Secretary Geithner Travels to China
Treasury works closely with state, tribal, and local officials elected by the American people. A strong partnership will best enable Treasury to promote an economic policy agenda that ensures robust growth and job creation throughout the American economy.

Data Center

The Department of the Treasury's Data Center offers visitors raw data, graphs, and charts on topics ranging from Treasury interest rates to the Recovery Act to the International Capital System. For more on Treasury data, including more information on the Daily Treasury Yield Curve which you see on your right, explore the Data Center.

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Daily Treasury Yield Curve

This graph displays daily yield curve data

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Making Home Affordable

A critical piece of the Administration's efforts to stabilize the housing market and provide relief to homeowners. Visit

Financial Stability

Helps ensure that businesses have the credit to grow and families can get affordable loans to meet their economic needs. Visit

Wall Street Reform

It is time to restore responsibility and accountability to our financial system.
Find out more about Wall Street Reform.

Recovery Act

An unprecedented effort to jumpstart our economy, create and save jobs and help the U.S. thrive. Learn about the Recovery Act.

Featured Photo

On March 30, 2011, Treasurer Rosie Rios was a guest teacher at Springarn Senior High School in Washington, D.C. She taught a 9th grade class about...

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