From MARKETS 12:38am

US exchanges in $11bn NYSE bid

NYSE Getty

Nasdaq and Intercontinental trump Deutsche Börse bid

From COMPANIES 8:26pm

Vale chief forced out after Brazilian pressure

Government attempts to tighten grip on iron ore

From WORLD 8:12pm

Tokyo finds new and fragile ‘normal’

Life in capital transformed after Japanese earthquake

From WORLD 11:27pm

GE tax affairs put Immelt in poitical spotlight

White House on defensive about Immelt jobs appointment

Forces loyal to Ivorian presidential claimant Alassane Ouattara stand guard in the provincial capital Yamoussoukro...Forces loyal to Ivorian presidential claimant Alassane Ouattara stand guard in the provincial capital Yamoussoukro, March 31, 2011. From WORLD 11:53pm

Fight to oust Gbagbo rages in Abidjan

Battle and looting in commercial capital

From COMPANIES 8:04pm

American Apparel warns of Chapter 11 risk

Clothing retailer posts loss as cotton prices soar



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