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March 23, 2011
NIH Science Events
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
12:00 am Inference of Bone Morphogenetic Protien regulation by image based model developement and optimization against diverse data.; David Umulis, Assistant Professor, Purdue University; Building 32T; Conference Room; Contact Info: 301-443-3795;
9:30 am Mechanisms of Magnetic Stimulation of Central Nervous System Neurons: Much Theory and Some Experiments; Alon Korngreen, Professor, Bar-Ilan University; Building 40; 121/1203; Contact Info: 301-435-5653;
11:00 am A High Precision Survey of the Molecular Dynamics of Mammalian Clathrin Mediated Endocytosis; Christien Merrifield, Group Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology; 50; 2328; Contact Info: 301-402-0028;
CME CreditVideocast Event 12:00 pm CC Grand Rounds (1) PARP Inhibitors: How Successful Have We Been in Modulating DNA Damage? (2) The Evolving Role of PARP Inhibitors in Breast and Ovarian Cancers; Shivaani Kummar, MD, Head, Early Clinical Trials Development, Office of the Director, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, NCI; Elise C. Kohn, MD, head, Medical Ovarian Cancer Clinic, and , Head, Molecular Signaling Section, Medical Oncology Branch, , Center for Cancer Research, NCI; Building 10 (Clinical Center); Lipsett Amphitheater; Contact Info: 301-496-2563;
12:00 pm HIV Reverse Transcriptase-Associated Ribonuclease H as a Therapeutic Target; Stuart Le Grice, Retroviral Replication Laboratory, HIV DRP, NCI; NCI at Frederick, Building 549; Auditorium; Contact Info: 301-846-5740;
12:00 pm Overview of Statistics I: Statistical Testing; Jeff Skinner, M.S., Biostatistics Specialist, Bioinformatics and Computational Biosciences Branch; Building 10; Wolff Conference Room (11S-235); Contact Info: 301-594-2502;
2:00 pm Promises and Pitfalls of e-Communication and Health Literacy: The Diabetes Disparities Exemplar; Dean Schillinger, MD, Associate Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Executive Plaza North; 319; Contact Info:
CME CreditVideocast Event 3:00 pm Alzheimer's Disease: From Genes to Novel Therapeutics; Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D., Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School; NIH Campus Building 10 ; Masur Auditorium; Contact Info: 1-301-594-6747;
Videocast Event 4:15 pm Agenomic Analysis of Predisposition to Systemic Autoimmunity; Edward Wakeland, Chiarman, Department of Immunology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Building 10 (Clinical Center); Lipsett Auditorium IIG Seminar Series; Contact Info: 301.496.8247;

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
10:00 am Adobe Connect; CIT Staff, CIT; Fernwood Building; On-Line Session; Contact Info: 301-594-6248
10:00 am The consequences of cell promiscuity, or whether viruses can cause cancer by fusing cells; Yuri Lazebnik, Ph.D., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Building 50; 1328/1334; Contact Info: 301-496-5191;
11:00 am Lunchtime Talk: Combating Tuberculosis: A Forgotten Plague; Dr. Jing Bao, Medical Officer, Tuberculosis Clinical Research Team, NIH; Building 54 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center; Russell Auditorium; Contact Info: 202-782-2673;
2:00 pm Reproductive Technologies and the Posthuman Future: Are We There Yet?; Prof. Valerie Hartouni, University of California - San Diego; Building 38A (Lister Hill National Center); Lister Hill Center Auditorium; Contact Info: 301-435-4995;
3:00 pm Blood and Blood Product Transfusion: Current Evidence and Clinical Outcomes; Lena Napolitano, MD, FACS, Professor of Surgery, Chief, Division of Acute Care Surgery, University of Michigan; USUHS Bldg B; Sanford Auditorium; Contact Info: (301) 319-8654;

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