


The Help Desk: Tools you can use

How to file a complaint with the government about your vehicle

  • Click the "Get Started" link below to go to the U.S. Transportation Department's Web site, Safercar.gov.
  • To file a complaint online, click on "Begin Form" and enter your information as prompted.
  • Or, call (888) 327-4236 to file by phone on weekdays.

See if there are complaints filed with the government on your car

  • Click the "Get Started" link below to go to Safercar.gov.
  • Once you're there, click the "Vehicle" and "Search Selected Type" buttons to begin your search.
  • Select the vehicle's year, make and model.
  • Click "Retrieve Complaints" to view the results.
  • If you want to search for complaints about specific parts of a vehicle (i.e. brakes) instead, choose "Equipment" as the "Search Selected Type," enter make and model. Click "Retrieve Complaints" to view the results.

Toyota's unreliable electronic witness


As the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration conducts its investigation into unintended acceleration in Toyotas, the crash data recorders or "black boxes" in the vehicles have become a primary piece of evidence. But long-standing reservations about the reliability of the data raise doubts about how much the safety agency can rely on them to determine the cause of the crashes.
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Latest Articles and News Updates
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Finding answers

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Congress seek answers on mechanical flaws in Toyota vehicles.

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An apology

Toyota chief Akio Toyoda testifies on Capitol Hill and apologizes to consumers for Toyota's automobile defects.

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A Lexus takes off

On Capitol Hill, Tennessee resident Rhonda Smith recounts how her Lexus suddenly zoomed to 100 MPH.

Information and Statistics

Unintended acceleration data

Publicity of Toyota's recalls appears to have had an effect on the federal statistics regulators use to gauge the problem.

FAQ on Toyota recall issues

Key facts on the Toyota's floor mat and pedal recalls, brake issues and the recommended actions vehicle owners should take.

Got a comment? Tell us

Submit your comments here

E-mail staff writer Frank Ahrens if you have had automotive issues related to these recalls or if your vehicle has exhibited unintended acceleration.

Car recalls by model year

(Courtesy NHTSA via AutoRecalls.us)

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