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@chadrem They seem to be doing just fine. They should: Have you seen how much they charge for a pitcher of Bass these days?
Metaphor alert! D.C. bar "4th Estate Grille" closing on 12/19. (Not surprised: It wasn't very good.)
... to browse the show floor Tues. afternoon. And if you're on SW's 11:10 a.m. SFO-LAS flight, you can say hi--if I'm not napping!
Macworld PR folks: I'm only in S.F. from Mon. eve to Weds. morn., so I'm not booking appointments (unless you rep Apple!). But I do plan
WashPost CEO Don Graham to join Facebook board of directors; Post writers to add disclaimer sentence to their macros:
Did I say I'd take it easy on the chatting today? I lied. Another two-hour session!
Chatting away, now until 3-ish (last week's chat went to 4, but I think I might restrain myself a little today):
Worst part of reviewing Parallels Desktop 4, VMware Fusion 2 and VirtualBox 2? Installing or migrating Windows 6 times!
FYI, CES PR types: I don't sign NDAs. It's Post policy: inking contracts w/ firms we cover makes us feel ooky. (Verbal embargoes can be OK)
@davezatz You mean they're dropping the SD Card that folds to expose a USB plug? I thought that was a crafty solution; bought one myself.
CheckFree e-mailed to say I might be at risk if I logged on their site between 12:30-10:10 a.m. on 12/2 with a Windows PC. (I did not.) Hmm.
Thanks to @evanweisel for organizing a good panel discussion this a.m., and thanks to audience for good questions! #W2Tweets
Speaking on a panel of journalists about interacting with PR types on social networks (filling in for Kim Hart):
One reader wants to use MusicMatch in Vista; another wants to ditch Windows Mail for Outlook Express. Why the love for obsolete apps today?
Are people getting Microsoft Live Cashback rebates on time? Reader says he hasn't, even after writing "10-20 letters" of complaint.
@Gartenberg @saschasegan Could you map MSFT interoperatibility failures according to distances between devs' cubicles on the Redmond campus?
Dear VMWare: Either make me accept the EULA for the Converter app before I download it, or before I run it--not both times!
FYI: Many Posties offline from 1-3 p.m. for today's Cookie and Book Sale (bake sale + sell-off of old review books/CDs/DVDs/sw for charity)
@Mickeleh Come to think of it, the combo of Mail/iCal/Address Book *is* what Chandler was supposed to be... wonder what @scottros thinks
@Mickeleh You mean the app in the other window on my Mac? :) Guess I've gotten too used to Data Detectors--didn't think to right-click.


John Gruber Kevin C. Tofel Jeremiah Michael Gartenberg Joe Wilcox Steve Rubel Chris Pirillo Michael Arrington Mitch Wagner Kevin Dando Gina Trapani Scott Rosenberg Adam C. Engst dan farber Dan Pacheco Tim O'Reilly Keith W. Jenkins Eric Litman Walt Mossberg Kara Swisher Ron Miller Dan Gillmor Esther Schindler Sam Diaz Mario Armstrong Ed Moltzen GlennF rossrubin DavidPogue columbiatalk sjvn Craig Stoltz Lessig Ed Bott Jeff Majka Catherine