Five popular tax breaks on the brink of extinction
12:28pm  · By Nin-Hai Tseng

Five popular tax breaks on the brink of extinction

From energy savings to college costs, Americans are enjoying a lot of breaks from Uncle Sam during this tax season. But get them while they last -- the good times are about to end. More
GM executive shuffle continues: CFO resigns
12:17pm  · By Doron Levin
It takes years for a car to go from concept to showroom. With all these shakeups, it's nigh impossible to know who will earn praise--or blame-- for the company's future. More
11:17am  · By Anne Fisher
If you want to know how someone is likely to react to a perceived slight, sneak a peek at his or her right hand. More
Insider trading defense: It's just a bunch of lies
11:05am  · by Katie Benner
Prosecutors have what appears to be a very strong case against Raj Rajaratnam, with taped conversations and dozens of cooperating witnesses. But the defense team is not going to go down easy. More
Google enterprise chief: Data is safer on our cloud than your PC
10:34am  · By Michal Lev-Ram
Google has an enterprise division? Yes, and they're using every asset the company has, from Apps to Android, to beat the big players. More
9:58am  · by Duff McDonald
If you go by the strict definition of the word, yesterday marked the second anniversary of a bull market. If this is what a bull market feels like, maybe the entire system is broken. More
Federal jobs fast becoming an endangered species
9:17am  · By Elizabeth G. Olson
Federal agencies are imposing hiring freezes and eliminating openings, dashing the hopes and prospects of many upcoming graduates and other jobseekers. More
Searching for profits and saving Patagonia
By Brian Dumaine
Warren Adams has a plan for land preservation that actually makes money. Now he just has to prove it.  More

Have you been fired -- or been the one swinging the axe? Tell us your stories. We'll highlight the most interesting and instructional stories in a section debuting in March.

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Why UPS trucks never turn left
Senior VP Bob Stoffel explains how a policy of only making right turns saves the company both time and money. Play
We need to regain the public's trust
In the wake of the gulf oil spill, Chevron CFO Patricia Yarrington says drilling standards need to be tightened. Play
When Newark met Facebook
Cory Booker on how he forged a relationship with Mark Zuckerberg and what he plans to do with the Facebook founder's $100 million gift. Play
Petrobras bets on deepwater drilling
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Company Price Change % Change
Citigroup Inc 4.58 -0.08 -1.61%
Bank of America Corp... 14.34 -0.25 -1.71%
Ford Motor Co 14.14 -0.15 -1.05%
Sprint Nextel Corp 4.84 0.13 2.87%
Micron Technology In... 9.85 -0.47 -4.55%
Data as of 12:34pm ET
Index Last Change % Change
Dow 12,039.36 -173.73 -1.42%
Nasdaq 2,709.20 -42.52 -1.55%
S&P 500 1,301.11 -18.91 -1.43%
Treasuries 3.45 -0.02 -0.63%
Data as of 12:49pm ET

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