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Today's Local News Feed, May 02, 2011
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185 price reductions in Denton, TX

1008 Wintercreek Drive, Denton TX


4 br 3 ba 2,105 sqft Single-Family Home

3 upcoming open houses in Denton, TX

7103 Smoketree Trail, Denton TX


4 br 2 ba 3,135 sqft

Sunday May 8th, 1pm to 5pm
70 new real estate listings in Denton, TX in the past 7 days

604 Lafayette Drive, Denton TX


3 br 3 ba 2,259 sqft Single-Family Home

Average listing price in Denton, TXDenton, TX went down 0.57% to $209,289 from prior week

179 foreclosures in Denton, TX

Ruth Street, Denton TX


3 br 2 ba 1,376 sqft Single-Family Home

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