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Does the Colin Powell endorsement matter?

Colin Powell, former Secretary of State to George W. Bush, endorsed President Obama again this year, just like he did in 2008. But does Powell's support matter as much to independent voters now? Read More

Gov. Romney attends the first of three events today in the battleground state of Ohio. (Twitter photo via @dgjackson)

First Word: Romney avoiding Mourdock questions

At campaign stops on Thursday, Mitt Romney ignored questions from reporters over the rape comments made by Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock. Meanwhile, President Obama hammered away at the controversy on the stump with just 12 days to go. Read More

Several Republicans are distancing themselves from Indiana Senate hopeful Richard Mourdock, pictured above. (AP Photo)

Planned Parenthood president: Mourdock, Akin are not outliers

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards warned that Senate candidates Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin are not outside the mainstream of the Republican Party. Read More


Obama condemns Mourdock for rape comments

President Obama weighed in Wednesday night on the controversy involving Richard Mourdock's recent remarks on rape, as John McCain flip-flopped on his endorsement of the Indiana Senate candidate. Read More


Candidates talk drugs, climate, indefinite detention at third-party debate

Should you vote for a third party candidate? In the Rewrite segment, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell explained why it's certainly worth considering--if you don't live in a swing state. Read More

President Bush speaks to reporters, in this Jan. 30, 2004 photo, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, while Vice President Dick Cheney looks on. (AP/Ron Edmonds, File)

New Obama ad recalls 2000 recount to urge voters to the polls

In a new television ad out Wednesday, the Obama campaign reminds voters of the Florida recount in the 2000 election, which George W. Bush won by a mere 537 votes. Read More


Romney doesn’t agree with Mourdock but still supports him

Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock declared he opposes aborting pregnancies conceived in rape because "it is something that God intended to happen." Mitt Romney said he disagrees with those comments but still supports his candidacy. Read More


First Word: Standing by his man

With just 13 days until the election, both candidates are working in overdrive. Unfortunately for the Romney campaign, a Senate candidate from Indiana is shifting the national discourse, once again, back to the war on women. Read More

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney listens during the third presidential debate with President Barack Obama

Romney promises of more ‘take-home pay’ unsupported by policy decisions

“Take-home pay” is pocketbook talk, invoked by politicians because it’s relevant and palpable to real people. But how would a President Romney actually make it happen? Read More

Joe Biden, Simon Hamil

Biden to baby: Don’t worry, Romney won’t get elected

Vice President Joe Biden addressed a crying baby directly Wednesday when it interrupted his speech in Ohio. Read More