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Current Location:
Denton, TX – Denton Tree and Moss Lab, Denton, Texas (PWS)
74.7 °F Clear
Nearby Airports
Denton | 77 °F | Clear
Fort Worth Alliance | 77 °F | Clear
Dallas/Ft Worth | 78 °F | Partly Cloudy
Dallas Addison | 79 °F | Clear
Nearby Weather Stations
Denton Tree and Moss Lab | 74.7 °F
Lee Meadows | 77.8 °F
Country Lakes | 77.1 °F
Plan B Ranch | 77.0 °F
Highland Shores | 78.1 °F
Robson Ranch | 76.6 °F
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Nickel sized hail
Dry corn
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Dr. Jeff Masters
By Dr. Jeff Masters
9:41 AM EDT on June 08, 2011

Smoke from Arizona's second largest fire on record, the massive Wallow fire near the New Mexico border, has now blown downwind over 1,500 miles to the Northeast U.S. The fire, which is 0% contained, is expected to rage f... Continue Reading