Going All Soft For "This Week In Bots"

Asimov wrote "a robot may not injure a human being, or through inactivity allow a human being to come to harm," but some of our robotic war machines are already challenging that. As a counterpoint, let's take a look at the lovable bots that were created to help care for us. READ»

How The Murdoch Email And Website Hacks Could Happen To You

Rupert Murdoch's digital properties were aggressively penetrated this week, with a website hacking and a treasure trove of corporate emails stolen. Here's how this sort of catastrophe could hit your company, and what you can do to stop it. READ»

Think You're A Social-Media Guru? Take This Quiz

Social-networking innovators are highly visible and post all over the place--Tom from MySpace is all up in Google+, Zuckerberg's tweeting, and so on. See if you can name that social-media heavyweight based solely on what he wrote. READ»

What Student Blogs Say About Corporate Culture At Twitter, Intel, IBM, And Google

Intern-penned blog posts from a slew of major tech companies reveal much about their corporate culture, whether those companies like it or not. See what we've dug up from "The Intern Diaries"--and whether it makes your company look like the fun uncle or a fuddy-duddy. READ»

Ocean Index: A Doomsday Clock For The World's Oceans

Scientists are making an effort to quantify the health of our oceans into one easy-to-read score. If that's even possible, will it actually motivate us to change our behavior?READ»

Alleged Oslo Terrorists Claim Responsibility Via Jihadi Forums, YouTube

A shadowy terrorist group called Assistants of the Global Jihad claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Norwegian Prime Minister's office and a massacre at a children's day camp via the Internet.READ»

Clean Green Certified Is Like USDA Organic For Marijuana

Gone are the days when you had no idea where your pot--we mean, your friend's pot--came from or how it was grown. Now the organically conscious smoker can get the cleanest, greenest weed.READ»

Thiel Fellow Ben Yu Scrapped Harvard To Climb Kilimanjaro, Revolutionize Online Price Comparisons

Dropping out of Harvard to climb Kilimanjaro, visit Buddha, and pose at Giza may seem like folly. But for Ben Yu--one of the Thiel Fellows bankrolled by Facebook investor Peter Thiel--it was the only way to get out of plain old Plainsfield, Ill., and into entrepreneurship.READ»

Walmart's Big Plan To Feed The Food Deserts Of The U.S.

Teaming up with Michelle Obama, the discount giant is moving into neighborhoods where there are no grocery stores. Altruism or savvy business move? A little of both.READ»

Are You A Horrible Boss? (And If So, How To Reform)

The tale of one truly awful boss--and how he transformed himself and his company for the better, as told by Harvard professor and former vice chairman of Goldman Sachs, Robert Steven Kaplan. READ»

How To Run Local Government Via Facebook

A new application for Facebook and iPhones lets residents of small cities submit quality-of-life complaints without picking up the phone or waiting to see someone at City Hall. It's like a cross between 311 and FarmVille--and it works.READ»

Biobutanol: The Aviation Fuel Of The Future?

A close chemical relative of the fuel in butane cigarette lighters may be what helps keep air travel viable in a post-petroleum world.READ»