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Ginger White Herman Cain

What Cain cost Ginger White

Was White a victim of sexual politics, or a savvy player in a transactional economy? Even she doesn't seem sure

smokestack Global Warming

The apocalyptic news you haven't heard

The world sets a post-Industrial Revolution record for carbon dioxide emissions. And things are going to get worse

ron paul

PolitiFact and the scam of neutral expertise

Many deeply biased "national security experts" are absurdly treated as objective and ideology-free

Grover Norquist Republican Party

Do Republicans have any economic principles?

The GOP is willing to raise middle class taxes to protect the very rich. Not even Grover Norquist can justify that

ows banks 2012 Elections

The real divide in America

It isn't red versus blue, it's individualists versus institutionalists. And the latter may finally be winning

President Obama talks about extending payroll tax cuts at a press conference on Monday. War Room

What a president with a strong hand sounds like

With tax cuts for tens of millions of middle-class Americans soon to expire, Obama is making the GOP squirm


Recent Stories

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 8:36 PM UTC2011-12-05T20:36:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Vladimir Lenin, Kermit the Frog and Chairman Mao

How “The Muppets” made Occupy Wall Street

Call it the triumph of Comrade Kermit. Fox Business News rips the lid off a dastardly Communist puppet plot


Monday, Dec 5, 2011 7:15 PM UTC2011-12-05T19:15:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Richard Hofstadter (left)

The infantile style in American politics

The GOP has reverted to a pre-potty-trained state. A 50-year-old essay explains why.

Topics:, , 0Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 6:44 PM UTC2011-12-05T18:44:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
boehner pelosi

No more insider trading on Capitol Hill?

Lawmakers from Boehner to Pelosi have been accused of gaming the market. A new bill might do something about it

Topics:, 2Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 5:24 PM UTC2011-12-05T17:24:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
border patrol

Adventures in drug war logic

Laundering money for cartels: Good! Arguing for legalization: A fireable offense

Topics:, , 19Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 5:08 PM UTC2011-12-05T17:08:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Orly Taitz

Nine NH Republicans help birther cause

GOP state representatives join activist Orly Taitz in trying to get Barack Obama's name off the state ballot

Topics:, , 63Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 3:18 PM UTC2011-12-05T15:18:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
city sidewalk

Why city rankings always get it wrong

Happiest cities, most livable cities, loneliest cities -- the Web's filled with lists. Almost all of them are bogus

Topics: 19Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 3:14 PM UTC2011-12-05T15:14:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Tea Party welcomes Newt to New York

Followers forgive his failings and hail his prospects

Topics:, , 51Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 2:14 PM UTC2011-12-05T14:14:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Justin Elliott talks Occupy and foreclosures

The Salon reporter discusses the Occupy Our Homes campaign on MSNBC

Topics:, 2Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 2:02 PM UTC2011-12-05T14:02:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
A buoy sits high and dry at Benbrook Lake in Benbrook, Texas on August 16, 2011

Extreme droughts: The new normal

The Southwest had one of the driest years on record. The future will be plagued with even more devastation

Topics:, 32Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 1:35 PM UTC2011-12-05T13:35:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Frank This Week

Barney Frank’s electoral “Wizard of Oz” analogy

Retiring congressmen compares Republican candidates to Tin Man, Scarecrow. Who's Newt?

Topics:, , 7Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 1:13 PM UTC2011-12-05T13:13:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Newt Gingrich

The previously unimaginable Newt scenario

There's a month between now and Iowa for Gingrich to melt down. But if he doesn't...

Topics: 78Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 1:10 PM UTC2011-12-05T13:10:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Protesters arrested after building erected in D.C.

Dozens detained for refusing to take down structure built in park overnight

Topics:, 1Comment

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 12:45 PM UTC2011-12-05T12:45:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

“Dexter’s” most terrifying moment yet

A brutal killing and a spooky cliffhanger power one of the season's strongest episodes

Topics: 4Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 12:35 PM UTC2011-12-05T12:35:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Dr. Robert Schultes of Cedar Rapids, Iowa

In Iowa, occupiers picket a drone factory

The owner touts benefits of aerial technology as merchants complain about disruption of holiday shopping

Topics:, , 7Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 1:00 AM UTC2011-12-05T01:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Cary Tennis

Holiday nightmare: Here it comes again

How can I make this year's gathering tolerable, at least?

Topics:, , , 29Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 1:00 AM UTC2011-12-05T01:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
60s princess

A fond farewell to the hard-wired phone

From "Superman" to "I Love Lucy," we look back at the role this outdated played in television and film

Topics:, 28Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 1:00 AM UTC2011-12-05T01:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Ahmad Chalabi

“Arrows of the Night”: The man behind the Iraq War

The story of how Ahmad Chalabi bamboozled the U.S. into Iraq is like a great spy novel. Too bad the blood is real

Topics:, , , , , , 28Comments

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 10:00 PM UTC2011-12-04T22:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Who's winning the war on women?

Who’s winning the abortion war?

A year of GOP overreaching has created surprising pro-choice victories -- but now the real battle is on its way

Topics:, 94Comments

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 9:53 PM UTC2011-12-04T21:53:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

George Orwell on the Evil Iranian Menace

"Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them"


Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 8:00 PM UTC2011-12-04T20:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

The Internet: Triumph of human evolution

The Web is more than just a powerful tool, it's our greatest adaptation. An expert explains why

Topics:, 19Comments

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 7:00 PM UTC2011-12-04T19:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Dennis Cooper

Dennis Cooper: There’s nothing numbing about a wild fetish

In a Salon exclusive, the godfather of modern transgressive lit explains why he really loves Disney

Topics:, , 1Comment

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 6:37 PM UTC2011-12-04T18:37:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Salon’s Occupy panel

Salon’s founder and CEO, David Talbot, moderated a constructive panel discussion and Q&A in San Francisco

Topics:, 3Comments

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 5:01 PM UTC2011-12-04T17:01:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
kabbalah (1)

The money I poured into a religious sect

My sister said Kabbalah helped her cope with our mother's death. Would it work for me?

Topics:, 32Comments

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 5:00 PM UTC2011-12-04T17:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Are urban bicyclists just elite snobs?

As cycling's popularity rises, the cyclists are despised. If riders want to change cities, they need a new attitude

Topics: 328Comments

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 2:00 PM UTC2011-12-04T14:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Web firms and state surveillance

Twitter takes sides on the Internet’s future

While some tech companies aim to sell surveillance, one aims to thwart it.

Topics:, , 7Comments

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 1:00 AM UTC2011-12-04T01:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

My favorite divorce

Anne and I tried to stay married for our daughter, but it was ending our romance that truly saved our family

Topics:, , , , 18Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 10:00 PM UTC2011-12-03T22:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
David Cronenberg

David Cronenberg: It’s as if my old movies don’t exist

Salon exclusive: The former horror auteur talks about the "intellectual menage à trois" of "A Dangerous Method"

Topics:, , , , 27Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 8:00 PM UTC2011-12-03T20:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
shakespeare final

How Shakespeare got me through unemployment

I was depressed and broke, but I found inspiration in an unlikely way -- reading all of the bard's plays out loud

Topics:, , 23Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 6:00 PM UTC2011-12-03T18:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
The author's husband's grandmother Betsy with her children

The Republican in-laws I’ve come to love

Our politics couldn't be more different, but holiday cooking reminds me of the important things we do share

Topics:, 46Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 5:01 PM UTC2011-12-03T17:01:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Alaa Al Aswany

Novelist, dentist and defender of democracy

Alaa Al Aswany on his country's democratic revolution

Topics:, , 2Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 5:00 PM UTC2011-12-03T17:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Quick hits: Milos Karadaglic plays live

28-year-old rising star Milos Karadaglic -- inspired by Andres Segovia -- is classical guitar's new face

Topics:, 3Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 5:00 PM UTC2011-12-03T17:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Round table: Are there too many “best of” lists?

Here come the top-10 lists. Our round table debates whether they help sort the year -- or just add to the clutter

Topics: 9Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 5:00 PM UTC2011-12-03T17:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Why we invented monsters

How our primate ancestors shaped our obsession with terrifying creatures

Topics:, , 26Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 5:00 PM UTC2011-12-03T17:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Allan Sekula, "Churn." From the series "Ship of Fools," 1999-2010.

“Oceans and Campfires”: Documenting society’s elemental ills

A new exhibition examines working-class stories and narratives of civil unrest through two artists' lenses

Topics: 0Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 4:01 PM UTC2011-12-03T16:01:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Famous face behind a tiny project

In a Salon exclusive, the actor discusses his art-based social network, its new book and the inspiration of Occupy

Topics:, , 3Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 2:40 PM UTC2011-12-03T14:40:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Steve Kornacki on “Hardball” and “Countdown”

The Salon writer discusses the rise of Newt and the fall of the Herminator

Topics: 4Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 2:00 PM UTC2011-12-03T14:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Curtis Jones stands in front of his two-story townhouse in Delray Beach

Foreclosure battle: A new hope

As Occupy gears up for a foreclosure campaign, state attorneys general show backbone in tussle over bank fraud

Topics:, 60Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 10:39 AM UTC2011-12-03T10:39:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

The We-Are-At-War! mentality

The Bush/Cheney War on Terror was justified with four radical premises; do Obama supporters reject any of them?


Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 12:30 AM UTC2011-12-03T00:30:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
scorsese story

Martin Scorsese’s greatest movies

Slide show: "Raging Bull's" a contender, and "Taxi Driver." Which other films round out the iconic director's best?

Topics: 67Comments

Friday, Dec 2, 2011 9:24 PM UTC2011-12-02T21:24:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Why Coke’s new can infuriated the Internet

Regular Coke in a white can? Someone forgot the lesson of New Coke -- don't mess with our soda

Topics:, 72Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 8:36 PM UTC2011-12-05T20:36:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Vladimir Lenin, Kermit the Frog and Chairman Mao

How “The Muppets” made Occupy Wall Street

Call it the triumph of Comrade Kermit. Fox Business News rips the lid off a dastardly Communist puppet plot


Monday, Dec 5, 2011 7:15 PM UTC2011-12-05T19:15:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Richard Hofstadter (left)

The infantile style in American politics

The GOP has reverted to a pre-potty-trained state. A 50-year-old essay explains why.

Topics:, , 0Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 6:44 PM UTC2011-12-05T18:44:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
boehner pelosi

No more insider trading on Capitol Hill?

Lawmakers from Boehner to Pelosi have been accused of gaming the market. A new bill might do something about it

Topics:, 2Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 5:24 PM UTC2011-12-05T17:24:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
border patrol

Adventures in drug war logic

Laundering money for cartels: Good! Arguing for legalization: A fireable offense

Topics:, , 19Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 5:08 PM UTC2011-12-05T17:08:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Orly Taitz

Nine NH Republicans help birther cause

GOP state representatives join activist Orly Taitz in trying to get Barack Obama's name off the state ballot

Topics:, , 63Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 6:44 PM UTC2011-12-05T18:44:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
boehner pelosi

No more insider trading on Capitol Hill?

Lawmakers from Boehner to Pelosi have been accused of gaming the market. A new bill might do something about it

Topics:, 2Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 5:08 PM UTC2011-12-05T17:08:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Orly Taitz

Nine NH Republicans help birther cause

GOP state representatives join activist Orly Taitz in trying to get Barack Obama's name off the state ballot

Topics:, , 63Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 3:14 PM UTC2011-12-05T15:14:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Tea Party welcomes Newt to New York

Followers forgive his failings and hail his prospects

Topics:, , 51Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 2:14 PM UTC2011-12-05T14:14:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Justin Elliott talks Occupy and foreclosures

The Salon reporter discusses the Occupy Our Homes campaign on MSNBC

Topics:, 2Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 2:02 PM UTC2011-12-05T14:02:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
A buoy sits high and dry at Benbrook Lake in Benbrook, Texas on August 16, 2011

Extreme droughts: The new normal

The Southwest had one of the driest years on record. The future will be plagued with even more devastation

Topics:, 32Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 12:45 PM UTC2011-12-05T12:45:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

“Dexter’s” most terrifying moment yet

A brutal killing and a spooky cliffhanger power one of the season's strongest episodes

Topics: 4Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 1:00 AM UTC2011-12-05T01:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Ahmad Chalabi

“Arrows of the Night”: The man behind the Iraq War

The story of how Ahmad Chalabi bamboozled the U.S. into Iraq is like a great spy novel. Too bad the blood is real

Topics:, , , , , , 28Comments

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 7:00 PM UTC2011-12-04T19:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Dennis Cooper

Dennis Cooper: There’s nothing numbing about a wild fetish

In a Salon exclusive, the godfather of modern transgressive lit explains why he really loves Disney

Topics:, , 1Comment

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 10:00 PM UTC2011-12-03T22:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
David Cronenberg

David Cronenberg: It’s as if my old movies don’t exist

Salon exclusive: The former horror auteur talks about the "intellectual menage à trois" of "A Dangerous Method"

Topics:, , , , 27Comments

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 8:00 PM UTC2011-12-03T20:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
shakespeare final

How Shakespeare got me through unemployment

I was depressed and broke, but I found inspiration in an unlikely way -- reading all of the bard's plays out loud

Topics:, , 23Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 3:18 PM UTC2011-12-05T15:18:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
city sidewalk

Why city rankings always get it wrong

Happiest cities, most livable cities, loneliest cities -- the Web's filled with lists. Almost all of them are bogus

Topics: 19Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 1:00 AM UTC2011-12-05T01:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
60s princess

A fond farewell to the hard-wired phone

From "Superman" to "I Love Lucy," we look back at the role this outdated played in television and film

Topics:, 28Comments

Monday, Dec 5, 2011 1:00 AM UTC2011-12-05T01:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Cary Tennis

Holiday nightmare: Here it comes again

How can I make this year's gathering tolerable, at least?

Topics:, , , 29Comments

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 10:00 PM UTC2011-12-04T22:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T
Who's winning the war on women?

Who’s winning the abortion war?

A year of GOP overreaching has created surprising pro-choice victories -- but now the real battle is on its way

Topics:, 94Comments

Sunday, Dec 4, 2011 8:00 PM UTC2011-12-04T20:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

The Internet: Triumph of human evolution

The Web is more than just a powerful tool, it's our greatest adaptation. An expert explains why

Topics:, 19Comments

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