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Open Enrollment 2011

Open Enrollment for 2011 benefits is now closed.

The information on this page will remain here for employees to reference until December 30, 2010 at which time the information will be moved to the current benefits page at Thank you for another successful Open Enrollment!

2011 Benefits

The health of our employees is very important to us.  The state of your health impacts every area of your life, including the lives of your co-workers and the business of this state.  Please take the time to read and understand the information regarding your healthcare choices for 2011. 

We have all seen the recent headlines that healthcare costs continue to rise all across the country.  The state of Indiana, as an employer, is no different.  We expect our healthcare costs to increase 10% or $30 million for 2011. Despite the challenging economic times and declining state revenues, the state is contributing an additional $15 million towards health benefits in 2011 that will reduce this increase by half. 

We can attribute the increase to:

  • The national healthcare reform bill
  • the fact that there is a general increase in providing healthcare (new technology, specialty medications and personalized health treatments, to name a few)
  • our own healthcare claims continue to grow year over year  

In 2011, the state will offer three Anthem plans: two Consumer Driven Health Plans (CDHPs) and one Traditional PPO plan. For those employees still on the Trad PPO plan, the two CDHPs offer an automatic increase in your take home pay because of the lower premiums.  By switching to one of the CDHPs, you will also actually have a lower maximum personal cost for health care. 

The Welborn HMO plan will not be offered in 2011 due to the expiration of the contract with Welborn on Dec. 31, 2010. Those employees currently on Welborn must select one of the other three plans for next year.   

Health Plans

What's in your plan?

Benefits Calculator
Benefits Calculator Use this to compare your current rates with the 2011 rates

Consumer Driven Health Plans

The consumer-driven health plans (CDHP) I and II are high deductible health plans. These plans have higher deductibles, but lower premiums than the Traditional PPO. (learn more...)

Traditional PPO

The Traditional PPO is  an 80/20 co-insurance plan, which means the employee will pay 20 percent of allowable claims after the deductible is met and before out-of-pocket maximums are reached. (learn more...)

Benefits information for other groups

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Open Enrollment links

View your current benefits 
Information for
Human Resource Directors

The Easy Program (Anthem EAP) 

Anthem Care Comparison
Medco information for open enrollment