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Public Affairs Detachment New York

U.S. Coast Guard

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News Release

Date: November 29, 2010

Contact: Public Affairs

(212) 668-7114

New London, Conn., Coast Guard officer relieved of command

NEW YORK - Coast Guard Lt. Thomas Stokes was relieved for cause as the commanding officer of Coast Guard Station New London, Conn., Nov. 18, 2010, after an administrative review based on a loss of confidence in his ability to command the unit.

The relief for cause is a non-punitive, internal personnel management decision.

"Commanding a Coast Guard unit is one of the most vital assignments in our service," said Capt. Joseph Vojvodich, Commander of Coast Guard Sector Long Island Sound, Conn.  "It is essential that I have complete trust and confidence in all the commanding officers of my field units."

This administrative process was initiated by the Sector Commander in October 2010, at which time a temporary commanding officer was assigned to the station.  During the review process, Lt. Stokes was afforded the opportunity to provide input to both the Coast Guard District Commander, in Boston, where a temporary relief was ordered, and to Coast Guard Headquarters, where the final determination for permanent relief was made.

The station has remained fully operational in all mission areas. 


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