Emergency Preparedness & Response

Personal Preparedness

Facilities Preparedness

Professional Preparedness

Mississippi's Bioterrorism and Emergency Preparedness division is enhancing the state's planning, equipment and facilities to meet extraordinary health threats. Advanced facilities and expert personnel enable accurate detection and rapid response to emergencies.

Recent Advances

MSDH has worked to significantly improve Mississippi's emergency response capability. In place now are:

  • Two Biosafety Level 3 laboratories with advanced pathogen detection equipment

  • 17 Weapons of Mass Destruction Centers of Excellence in hospitals across the state

  • The satellite-based Health Alert Network, connecting 13,000 Mississippi physicians and facilities to coordinate information and activities

  • A distribution system for emergency medication from the Strategic National Stockpile

  • State and regional bioterrorism response plans overseen by nine Public Health Emergency Response Coordinators

  • Nurses trained in bioterrorism issues and diseases in every public health district

  • 24/7 information hotline (1-866-HLTHY4U)

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Biological agents
Chemicals and radiation
Health Professionals
Pandemic flu
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