Health Professionals
  Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Distribution Plan    download    pdf [2MB]
January 2010 revision
  Strategic National Stockpile and Pandemic Influenza Programs Provider Enrollment Form    download    pdf [147KB]
Form 255
  Mississippi Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan    download    pdf [560KB]
  Mississippi Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan    download    pdf [3MB]
Complete plan, prepared July 10, 2008
  Special Medical Needs Shelter: Medical Care Guidelines    download    pdf [424KB]
  Q&A: Medical Countermeasures in the Event of Pandemic Influenza    download    pdf [105KB]
Types of medical countermeasures distributed to states by the Federal Division of the Strategic National Stockpile
  Prevention of Communicable Disease in Community Evacuation Centers    download    pdf [50KB]
For emergency shelters and evacuation centers
  Disease Cluster Investigation Worksheet    download    doc [118KB]
For emergency shelters and evacuation centers
  Hospital Disaster Preparedness Planning Template    download    pdf [11KB]
This document is being revised. Please check back regularly for updates.
  Hospice Disaster Preparedness Planning Template    download    pdf [11KB]
This document is being revised. Please check back regularly for updates.
  Long Term Health Care Facility Disaster Plan Template    download    pdf [11KB]
This document is being revised. Please check back regularly for updates.
  Bioterrorism Guidelines for Providers    download    pdf [62KB]
Draft Guidelines for Anthrax, Smallpox, and other agents
  MSDH Volunteer Registry
The MSDH Volunteer Registry is a secure registration system for volunteers willing to respond to public health emergencies in Mississippi or other areas across the country.
  Radiation Event Medical Management
Comprehensive web site to assist health care professionals, primarily physicians, who may have to provide medical care during a radiation mass casualty incident
  CDC Health Alert Network Messages
Latest Health Alert Network (HAN) messages from the CDC, including interim guidance for H5N1 laboratory testing
  Center for Public Health Preparedness
  DigiScript Bioterrorism Learning Center
Video presentations from leading experts
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