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U.S. Coast Guard

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News Release

Date: December 3, 2010

Contact: Lt. Mary Arvidson

(361) 939-6227

Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi to host counter terrorism exercise

WHAT: A multi-agency security functional exercise involving the Port of Corpus Christi and surrounding areas. The exercise, named “STAMS-10,” will be used to evaluate multi-agency awareness, prevention and the ability to respond to and recover from a terrorist-related Transportation Security Incident (TSI).

WHO: Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi

WHEN: Dec. 7-8, 2010, during regular business hours

The Area Maritime Security Training Exercises Program (AMSTEP) is focused on building links within the Area Maritime Security (AMS) Committee. The committee assists the Coast Guard Captain of the Port in writing, reviewing and updating the AMS Plan in addition to supporting other transportation entities that depend upon the port being secure.

The exercise will involve a majority of the port community, including the public, governmental agencies and private industry. The partnership is intended to improve connectivity of various marine and surface transportation modes and enhance the current Area Maritime Security Plan.

Organizations and agencies participating in this year's exercise include: United States Coast Guard units from Sector Corpus Christi and the Force Readiness Command’s Exercise Support Team, Portsmouth, VA; the JTTF; City of Corpus Christi Police Department; Port of Corpus Christi Authority Police Dept; Corpus Christi Pilots; City of Corpus Christi Emergency Planning; TXDOT Ferry Operations; Coastal Bend Council of Governments Emergency Planning; City of Rockport Police Dept; US Army Corp of Engineers; USCG Deployable Operations Group; Texas General Land Office; Customs & Border Protection; National Weather Service; City of Port Aransas Police Dept; Boyd-Campbell/Valls Ship Agents. Industry participants include: Plains Marketing L.P.; Flint Hills Resources; Kiewit Offshore; Kirby Inland Marine; Brown Water Marine; CITGO Refining; BTB Refining; Sherwin Alumina; Valero Refining; Dupont and Elementis Chromium.

This event is not open to the public.

Media requesting interviews please R.S.V.P. to LT Mary Arvidson at (361) 438-0176 by Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010.




CORPUS CHRISTI – The Coast Guard plans to facilitate a multi-agency security Functional
Exercise Wednesday & Thursday 7-8th December 2010 during business hours involving the Port of
Corpus Christi and surrounding areas. The exercise, named “STAMS-10,” will be used to evaluate
multi-agency awareness, prevention and the ability to respond to and recover from a terrorist-related
Transportation Security Incident (TSI).
The Area Maritime Security Training Exercises Program (AMSTEP) is focused on building links within
the Area Maritime Security (AMS) Committee. The committee assists the Coast Guard Captain of
the Port in writing, reviewing and updating the AMS Plan in addition to supporting other transportation
entities that depend upon the port being secure.
The exercise will involve a majority of the port community, including the public, governmental
agencies and private industry. The partnership is intended to improve connectivity of various marine
and surface transportation modes and enhance the current Area Maritime Security Plan.
Organizations and agencies participating in this year's exercise include; United States Coast
Guard units from Sector Corpus Christi and the Force Readiness Command’s Exercise Support
Team, Portsmouth, VA; the JTTF; City of Corpus Christi Police Department; Port of Corpus Christi
Authority Police Dept; Corpus Christi Pilots; City of Corpus Christi Emergency Planning; TXDOT
Ferry Operations; Coastal Bend Council of Governments Emergency Planning; City of Rockport
Police Dept; US Army Corp of Engineers; USCG Deployable Operations Group; Texas General
Land Office; Customs & Border Protection; National Weather Service; City of Port Aransas Police
Dept; Boyd-Campbell/Valls Ship Agents. Industry participants include: Plains Marketing L.P.; Flint
Hills Resources; Kiewit Offshore; Kirby Inland Marine; Brown Water Marine; CITGO Refining; BTB
Refining; Sherwin Alumina; Valero Refining; Dupont and Elementis Chromium.
This event is not open to the public.
Media requesting interviews please RSVP to Lt Mary Arvidson (361)-438-0176 by Tuesday
December 7, 2010.




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