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D8 External Affairs

U.S. Coast Guard

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News Release

Date: December 2, 2010

Contact: Prentice A. Danner

(832) 293-1293

UPDATE 1: Coast Guard continues search in Gulf of Mexico for shrimp boat captain

HOUSTON— The Coast Guard continues to search the Gulf of Mexico for the captain of a commercial shrimp boat who went missing after his boat sank approximately 10 miles south of Galveston, Thursday.

Arturo Hernandez of Brownsville remains missing after watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston received a mayday call at approximately 3 a.m. via the Coast Guard's Rescue 21 system from the crew of the Mario Arturo II, reporting the vessel was taking on water. The boat eventually sank, forcing Hernandez and three crewmembers into the water.  Three of the crewmembers were rescued by an MH-65C Dolphin helicopter and crew from Coast Guard Air Station Houston, and medevaced to the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.

Coast Guard assets searched 212,217 nautical miles Thursday, which is a search area greater than the state of Texas. 

The Coast Guard Cutter Manowar will remain on scene throughout the night to search for Hernandez.  

The Coast Guard has issued an Urgent Marine Broadcast to mariners in the vicinity of the search area. Hernandez, approximately 40-years old, was last seen wearing yellow rain paints and a t-shirt.  Anyone with additional information is asked to call Sector Houston-Galveston at (713)  678-9059.  

 Additional assets are scheduled to resume the search Friday at sunrise.



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