Guardian of the Week – LT James O’Mara

Friday, December 3, 2010

CGC Farallon

Homeported in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Farallon patrols the Caribbean and executes counter-narcotics, alien migrant interdiction and homeland security missions. U.S. Coast Guard photo.

Whether in corporate culture or the military, buzzwords are often used to describe the success of an organization. One of these buzzwords is “teamwork,” but for Coast Guard Cutter Farallon, and LT James O’Mara, teamwork isn’t just another word. It’s a way to achieve mission excellence.

As Commanding Officer of Farallon, O’Mara has the responsibility to create a positive culture aboard his unit. At no time was that teamwork more evident than during a seven-day period where his crew stopped two drug smuggling ventures and one migrant smuggling attempt.

Farallon’s mission-filled week began with the report of an unidentified air contact. When the aircraft began acting suspiciously, Farallon detected two surface contacts moving into the area and attempting to pull contraband from the water, apparently dropped by the aircraft.

The cutter’s small boat, joined by a small boat from Coast Guard Station San Juan and British authorities, intercepted the first vessel involved in the airdrop while the second vessel fled south and unloaded their contraband into the bushes of a nearby island. While those smugglers evaded authorities, the eight bales of cocaine they attempted to conceal were recovered. Three suspects aboard the intercepted vessel were transferred to British authorities for prosecution and overall, the inter-agency, multi-national effort disrupted a major drug trafficking route and prevented an estimated $7.2 million of cocaine from hitting the streets.

Migrant interdiction off Puerto Rico

This photo, from a Customs and Border Protection aircraft shows the vessel Farallon interdicted with 15 Dominican nationals attempting to gain illegal entry to the United States. U.S. Coast Guard photo.

Later that week the crew again found themselves at the forefront of homeland security when they received notification from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of a possible migrant vessel. Aided by CBP and Puerto Rican authorities, Farallon boarded a vessel with 15 Dominican nationals attempting to gain illegal entry to the U.S. and one smuggler. All 16 individuals were brought aboard the cutter and using biometrics a suspect was positively identified and linked to a known human trafficking organization.

“This case put Farallon’s teamwork on display,” said O’Mara. “It was the middle of the night, other agency assets were on scene, lives were at stake on an overcrowded vessel. Puerto Rico’s lights were literally in sight, this vessel was that close to ‘making it.’ My crew did a fantastic job managing law enforcement interactions on scene, including a challenging three-hour tow of the vessel back to port for evidence. The case was textbook and I was proud of every single one of my Shipmates.”

Farallon was not done with their missions though. The next night, a U.S. Customs aircraft reported two suspicious vessels dead in the water where the exclusive economic zones of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic meet.

The crew, fatigued from the week’s previous missions, kicked into high gear once again to perform at their best. At this high operational tempo, with back-to-back-to-back missions, Farallon found out who they were as a team.

CGC Farallon crew

The Farallon crew, under the command of LT O’Mara, has redefined what it means to work together as a team as they set the example for mission excellence. Coast Guard photo by BM2 Matthew Travis.

“This is where our motto makes its mark: ‘Deal Justice,’” said O’Mara. “That’s what this unit, this crew and this team does every time we take in lines and head out there because we know we are being counted on to deal justice. This team steps up, comes together and delivers every time.”

Working with U.S. Customs aircraft support, the Farallon monitored the vessels as they transferred contraband at sea. The loaded vessel was then tracked covertly as it headed towards Puerto Rico, back into U.S. waters. On the Farallon’s mark, the cutter, boarding team and aircraft moved in.

“As soon as we closed in, the smuggling vessel increased speed, began to maneuver erratically and jettisoned the contraband,” said O’Mara. “My coxswain had positioned the small boat and boarding team perfectly – the smugglers had no choice but to stop. The quick end to the chase enabled the cutter to remain in the vicinity of the jettisoned contraband. This positioning was crucial to my crew’s ability to detect and recover individual bricks of cocaine floating on the surface of the water – not an easy task in the middle of the night, but my Shipmates focused, searched for hours and made it happen.”

Farallon detained the vessel, two drug smugglers and recovered a total of 77 cocaine bricks worth an estimated street value of $2.64 million.

These high-pressure situations demanded teamwork, and the Farallon brought it. When so much was at stake, O’Mara and his crew were able to perform as a team.

Congratulations LT O’Mara on your crew’s mission excellence!

Do you know a Coastie that has done something great for the service, the missions or the public? Please submit your nominations for Guardian of the Week using the “Submit Ideas” link on the right.


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  1. Sheila White says:

    I have a wonderful nephew in the Coast Guard. Since 9/11 I think everyone has forgot that the Coast Guard is here to protect our borders. I am proud to say he is a Coastie and I pray for each and everyone of you daily.

  2. jim & kaye o'mara says:

    There will always be barbarians at our gates, and there will always
    be heroes there to turn them back. All the parents ,we are sure,
    are extremely proud that their sons and daughters have chosen to
    serve our country,and are especially proud today when they see
    the beaming faces of crew farallon returned to port, having once
    again prevailed in the never ending fight to safeguard America.

  3. LCDR Sanders says:

    Way to go Jim…..No surprise you and your crew are doing such an outstanding job out there.


    r/LCDR Pride Sanders

  4. Mike Klinge says:

    Nice Job Jim, Congrats!

  5. AST 3 Phill Gomez says:

    Great Job! LT O’Mara is a great leader.

  6. Kayla Miller says:

    I want to thank all of yall for protecting us everyday and every moment!! i really want to join; i just dont know yet!!!! Thanks to everyone!! Giod bless!! i am praying each and every one of yall every day!!! GOD BLESS!!! hope the hoildays are a blast!!!!!!!!!

  7. Elaine Cherry says:

    BZ Jim and FARALLON! It’s nice to see you get the public kudos you all deserve.

  8. The Commandant says:

    LT O’Mara:

    Jim…it’s great to see you continuing your outstanding level of performance. Congratulations on the operational success stories, but more importantly, thanks for looking out for your Shipmates.

    Admiral Papp
    (13th Ancient Mariner)

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