On CBS MoneyWatch: Most Expensive Home? $1 BILLION
start talking » My dc is in nursery school and he has a girl "bully" in his class...she constantly harasses the children. I am annoyed at this situation bc it has been going on since the start of the year. The director keeps on making exuses. She told me that the girl had a hard time adjusting...
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A Place Where Kids Can Escape

crow.jpgChildren adore having little set-off bits of private space: play tents, forts, little “houses” constructed of sheets draped over chairs. The Joki Hanging Crow’s Nest performs this function admirably, but it has an added bonus: ...

12.07.10, 01:00 PM

Corral Your Child While Shopping
bag.jpgThose grocery-cart strapped seats sure are great for keeping a small child in place in the grocery store. Too bad there’s nothing similar for every single other store you go to. Go ahead, look closely at a pair of shoes in the department ...

12.06.10, 01:00 PM

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Basics for the Bump

The Pregnant New YorkerYour pregnancy feels like a game of 20 questions: Disposal diapers or cloth? Breastfeed or bottle? If only you had a room full of experts to guide you on the best path for you and your baby. Get some answers. This Wednesday, stop by the Maclaren ...

12.06.10, 12:14 PM

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