The White House Blog

  • 50 Years of USAID

    Ed. note: This annual letter was originally published on the USAID blog.

    Fifty years ago, John F. Kennedy wrote a letter to congress that called for the creation of the agency I am now privileged to lead – USAID, the United States Agency for International Development.

    Having witnessed the devastation the Second World War caused in Europe – and the success the Marshall Plan had in rebuilding it – President Kennedy argued that advancing opportunity and freedom to all people was central to America’s domestic security, comparative prosperity and national conscience.

    I wanted to commemorate President Kennedy’s letter by writing one of my own, describing our agency’s work to the millions of Americans who care deeply about overcoming global poverty, hunger, illness and injustice.

  • How Energy Efficiency is "Lighting Up" the Streets of Philadelphia

    Ed. Note: Cross-posted from the Department of Energy Blog. Today President Obama is travelling to the Philadelphia area to hold a town hall event with employees at Gamesa Technology Corporation, Inc. about building a 21st century clean energy economy to win the future. Watch the event live at starting at 2:10 p.m. EDT.

    President Obama has made building a secure, prosperous energy future a top priority. Last week, he outlined a plan to strengthen energy security in a speech at Georgetown University. Then on Friday, he traveled to a UPS shipping facility in Landover, Maryland to announce a major milestone for the “National Clean Fleet Partnership”: Five of the largest domestic shipping companies have made commitments to reduce gasoline use in their fleets by incorporating electric vehicles, alternative fuels and fuel-saving measures into their daily operations.

    And today, the President is holding a town hall meeting just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Gamesa Technology Corporation, a manufacturer of large-scale wind turbines, to further discuss our energy future. President Obama has proposed an ambitious, but achievable, goal of generating 80 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources by 2035. This includes sources like wind, produced in part by Gamesa turbines, as well as other renewables, natural gas, clean coal and nuclear power.

    As the President outlined last week, securing our energy future will require our nation to increase our renewable energy portfolio, decrease our dependence on oil and implement energy efficiency measures in home and buildings all over the country. Over the next two weeks, we’ll be spotlighting five communities across the country that are helping make our country more secure – five communities that are “winning the future” today.

    And naturally, first up today is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  • Have You Tried the Tax Cut Calculator Yet?

    With the April 18 tax filing deadline fast approaching, many Americans are thinking about their taxes this time of year. 

    Last December, President Obama signed a bipartisan tax cut compromise into law.  To help you understand how those tax cuts are already affecting your paycheck and your household bottom line, we’ve put together a new tax cut calculator.

    Check out this video of Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Austan Goolsbee explaining how our new tax cut calculator works, then head over the to the calculator and answer a few simple questions to find out how these tax cuts will affect your paycheck today and your taxes in 2011.

    Learn more about the tax cut calculator and see a checklist of Recovery Act tax cuts you may be able to claim on your 2010 tax returns.

  • President Obama on Budget Negotiations: "We Have Now Matched the Number the Speaker Originally Sought"

    Viewing this video requires Adobe Flash Player 8 or higher. Download the free player.

    Speaking in the White House Briefing Room today after a meeting with Congressional Leaders of both parties, the President laid out his guiding principles for the negotiations on last year's budget and looking ahead:

    From the outset, my goal has been to significantly cut our domestic spending but, at the same time, make sure we’re making key investments in things like education, infrastructure, innovation -- the things that are going to help us win the future.

    He was blunt in saying that the American people expect Congress to get a deal done to avoid a government shut-down and that the consequences for our economy would be unacceptable.   He was also clear that he and Democrats in Congress “have more than met the Republicans halfway at this point” by agreeing to same dollar figure in cuts that Republican Leadership originally proposed:

  • Not Your Average Facebook Invite: Join President Obama's Town Hall @ Facebook HQ

    On April 20th, President Obama heads to California to hold a very special facebook town hall about the economy. The President will connect with Americans across the country to discuss the tough choices we must all make to put our economy on a more responsible fiscal path, while still investing in the innovation economy that makes America more competitive. 

    The event will be live streamed and questions will be taken over the web, so anyone can join. Facebook will be selecting questions to ask during the event and you can submit questions now by posting them on the facebook event's wall.  Get started at the White House's facebook page.  

    Here are the details:

    RSVP at

    When: April 20th @ 1:45 PDT / 4:45 EDT

    Where: Facebook HQ in Palo Alto

    The event will be live streamed at both and

    To submit a question without a facebook account, use this form.

  • Open for Questions: Celebrating the One Year Anniversary of West Wing Week

    Download Video: mp4 (7MB)

    In just one year, the West Wing Week videos have taken viewers from Boston to Brazil, from tech conferences in San Francisco to the birth of a new democracy in South Sudan. They've been an all-access pass to the Obama Administration. And this week, you have the chance to meet the men behind the curtain.

    On Thursday, April 7th, at 5:00 PM EDT, I'll be co-hosting a live chat with Josh Earnest, the Deputy Press Secretary whose voice you've heard narrating the videos. We'll field questions about the technical workings of the West Wing Week, tell you more about the stories behind the footage you've seen so far, and we'll even throw in some previously unseen footage.

    Here's how you can participate:

    So check back in Thursday evening, right here on

    Arun Chaudhary is the official White House Videographer.

  • One Year Later: Remembering the Miners of Montcoal

    Ed. note: This was originally posted on Work In Progress, the Department of Labor blog. Read another blog post on this topic on the Middle Class Task Force blog.

    One year ago today, in West Virginia, 29 men died in the worst mine disaster in 40 years.

    Wives lost husbands. Parents lost sons. Children lost fathers. Neighbors lost friends.  And a community lost a big part of its soul.

    Since that day, I have been convinced that the best way to honor these men is to do everything in our power so that a tragedy like this never happens again.

    The administration has taken many steps to make that goal a reality.  The Mine Safety and Health Administration (a part of the U.S. Department of Labor) has made available unprecedented resources to find out what exactly happened on April 5, 2010 and we are making sure that the U.S. Department of Justice can fully prosecute any wrongdoers.

  • Champions of Change: Lessons from Returned Peace Corps Volunteers

    The White House is kicking off a special series called “Champions of Change: Winning the Future Across America.” Throughout this series we will be profiling Americans whose work is helping our country rise to the many challenges of the 21st century. 

    The White House is proud to feature these stories of Americans who are doing extraordinary things in their communities to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world.  Each week, we will invite individuals from many walks of life to the White House to meet with Administration officials and share with us what they are doing to build a better tomorrow.

    The first group to be featured in the series are Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who have used their experiences abroad to affect change in their local communities. As a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer myself, I know that service does not end when a Volunteer's tour is over. My experience in the Peace Corps gave me the tools necessary to affect a greater change in my community at home.

  • Try the New White House Tax Cut Calculator

    Given that it's tax season (don't forget, Tax Day is on 4/18 this year), you might be thinking about the bipartisan tax cut compromise from December 2010 and wondering how it affects your household's bottom line.  That's why we've put together a Tax Cut Calculator and Tax Cut Checklist to help taxpayers better understand how you benefit from some of the more than 40 tax cuts signed into law by President Obama.

    The brand new Tax Cut Calculator provides an easy to use tool that shows individuals and families how these tax cuts – some of which are hitting paychecks right now– will affect their taxes for 2011.  The Calculator shows the benefits of the Payroll Tax Cut, which is putting more money in the pockets of millions of workers across the country already. It also illustrates how families can benefit from three Recovery Act tax cuts that the President fought to extend – the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) and the expanded Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit.

    Enough explanation, though! Take a moment to try the tax cut calculator for yourself.

    We've put together a more comprehensive memo that covers important provisions of the bipartisan tax cut compromise the President signed into law last December and includes a checklist of benefits to keep in mind for those who still have yet to file their taxes this year:

  • Ending Sexual Violence: One Student on One Campus at a Time

    Viewing this video requires Adobe Flash Player 8 or higher. Download the free player.

    I love being a student at the University of New Hampshire.  It’s in a beautiful part of the country, the campus is gorgeous, and there are so many opportunities for students to grow and develop.

    But I never imagined those opportunities would include introducing the Vice President of the United States.

    Today I was able to stand up and talk about an issue that is so important to me: ending sexual assault.  I believe we can all work together to change the culture so that rape and sexual assault are not tolerated.  Teens and young women experience the highest rates of sexual assault.  Our generation has the chance to make it stop.

    The Vice President feels the same way.  Today he shared the stories of victims, talked about the progress we have made, and challenged us to take the next step and prevent rape before it ever happens. 

  • Documenting America's Natural Beauty

    Almost 40 years ago, the EPA started Documerica, a project that coordinated with freelance photographers to capture images of environmental problems, EPA activities, and everyday life in America. Over the project's seven-year lifespan, it compiled more than 15,000 photos. Some of the best are featured below.

    From now through Earth Day 2012, EPA is asking for your submissions as a Documerica for a new generation. Photos will be featured on the EPA homepage starting April 15, 2011, and the new collection will debut in April 2012 alongside its 1970s counterpart.

    Be sure to check out EPA's Earth Day page for information about the photo project and Earth Day 2011 activities.


  • Weekly Address: Gas Prices & Energy Security

    Speaking from a UPS customer center as part of the new public-private Green Fleet Partnership, the President discusses his Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future to help free us from oil and boost the American economy.

  • Going Green and Saving Green

    Ed. Note: Everyday the White House gets a lot of questions via Twitter. Yesterday, @WhiteHouse was asked: 

    Going green is good, but costly, how is the US going to go ‘green’ energy without raising the deficit?

    Check out the response from the White House Council on Environmental Quality and follow us on Twitter for the latest news from the White House and opportunities to engage with us.

    When President Obama spoke to Americans in his State of the Union Address, he laid out a plan to take responsibility for our deficit by investing in what makes America stronger, and cutting what doesn’t.  And he recognized that to win the future, we must make America the best place on earth to do business and invest in a strong, modern clean energy economy. 

    As long as our economy relies on oil, we will pay the price – not just in dollars spent on a finite source of energy, but also in dollars lost in a missed opportunity to become the world’s leading provider of clean energy technology. Instead of being satisfied with the energy resources of our past, we must push ourselves to create the next generation of sustainable, affordable energy solutions. 

    Sustainable practices -- like investing in energy efficient technologies -- save money in the long run.  If the U.S. became 20 percent more energy efficient, we would save more than $200 billion each year.  Here are a few cost-saving programs already underway:

    • The Better Buildings Initiative: The President’s Better Buildings Initiative which includes new and expanded incentives for building efficiency – would improve commercial building efficiency 20% by 2020 and help reduce energy costs for American business by $40 billion.
    • HOMESTAR Program of Rebates Delivered Directly to Consumers: The Administration continues to advocate for the consumer-friendly HOMESTAR program. Like the Cash for Clunkers program, consumers would be eligible for direct HOMESTAR rebates at the point of sale for a variety of energy-saving investments in their homes.
    • A Framework for Continued Growth: The “Recovery through Retrofit” initiative led by the Council on Environmental Quality and Vice President’s Middle Class Taskforce identified market-based solutions to help the energy efficiency industry overcome long-standing barriers. These policies will improve access to information about home energy use and to affordable financing, and will also help create a skilled and certified retrofit workforce.

    The Federal Government is putting these principles into action in its own operations. By meeting just one of the sustainability targets President Obama has set for Federal agencies, the government will avoid up to $11 billion in energy costs by 2020.  We are also using the Federal government’s purchasing power to support American ingenuity and build the healthy and prosperous country of tomorrow.

    Sahar Wali is Communications Director at the White House Council on Environmental Quality

  • A Celebration of Cesar Chavez at the White House

    En Español

    At the White House, historic days happen quite frequently, but Wednesday marked an especially profound day as individuals from across the nation came to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building to honor the life and legacy of one of the greatest civil rights leaders of our time: Cesar Estrada Chavez, marking what would have been his 84th birthday.

    Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack joined members of the Chavez family, including Cesar’s granddaughters Julie Rodriguez and Christine Chavez, who now serve in the Obama Administration.

  • Investing in Reform: Strong Partnerships for Successful Students

    En español.

    Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of visiting the Campfield Head Start Center, a National Head Start Center of Excellence in Baltimore, Maryland, with Yvette Sanchez Fuentes, the Director of Head Start at the Administration of Children and Families within the Department of Health and Human Services. During this visit, we toured the center; I read to a classroom of pre-school children; at one point, I even sang along with students to the old favorite, “If you’re happy and you know it.” This experience was such a treat for me, and it was so inspiring to see the pure innocence and joy in the faces of the students.

    It’s on behalf of our youngest learners that the Department of Education (ED) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are coordinating our work on programs like Head Start. Our investment in early learning is especially important for our Latino students, who make up the largest minority in this country’s preschool population at 20 percent! We at ED are deeply committed to an education agenda that supports a continuum of learning beginning at birth for all students, and I’m honored to work with HHS to provide support for organizations like the Campfield Head Start Center.

  • Open for Questions: Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future with Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar

    Join me as I moderate a conversation between YOU and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar during a special White House live chat on the Obama Administration’s Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 5 p.m. EDT.  Secretary Salazar will be joined in person and online by young people who are passionate about this issue.

    Submit your questions for Secretary Salazar now in a comment on Facebook. And be sure to watch live tomorrow morning at or join the conversation on Facebook.


  • President Obama's Green Fleet Initiative A Bold Step Forward In US Energy Use

    Ed. Note: Updated with video and photo.

    Read the Transcript  |  Download Video: mp4 (181MB) | mp3 (17MB)

    This afternoon, President Obama unveils his green fleet initiative which ensures that by 2015, all new vehicles purchased for Americas's federal agencies will be electric, gas-electric hybrid, or alternatively fueled.

    I will stand alongside the President when he makes that announcement because the Department of Transportation will do whatever we can to support this bold new goal.

    The transportation sector accounts for two-thirds of the United States’ oil use and contributes one-third of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions.  After housing, transportation is the second biggest monthly expense for most American families.  Reducing the gas consumed by our federal fleet will help relieve some of the upward pressure on gas prices.

    As the President said earlier this week, “In an economy that relies so heavily on oil, rising prices at the pump affect everybody.”

    We have the opportunity, and the obligation, to take action.  We can change both the types and the amounts of energy that our transportation systems use while also creating good, high-paying jobs and easing everyone’s burden at the pump.

  • Helping American Families Make Good Choices and Cut Energy Bills

    One important component of our energy policy is to provide American families with the tools that they need to make choices that will reduce costs and save energy.  Every time families fill up their gas tanks or look at their energy bills their pocket books feel the pinch. That’s why we are looking toward new and innovative solutions to secure America’s energy future, solutions that will be good for our economy, good for our environment, and good for our families.

    Although our economy relies on oil, America only controls about two percent of this resource. And rapid economic growth and demand for oil in China and India makes it certain that prices aren’t likely to fall to levels that will bring relief to American families. That’s why we need more efficient vehicles – and electric vehicles that can be charged at home.  Just think how many families we can touch by reaching the President’s goal of putting a million electric vehicles on the road by 2015.

    American families are not only feeling the weight of high prices at the pump, but also in their home electricity bills. Renting families are often stuck with high-energy-consuming appliances while other families looking to update their homes face high purchase prices for new efficient equipment. That’s why the Administration is also committed to helping American families make their homes more energy efficient.  Through investments that we’ve made through the Recovery Act, we’ve already helped weatherize about 350,000 projects that are helping lower income Americans reduce energy bills at home. We are also committed to passing “HOMESTAR” legislation that will help families finance home energy improvements by delivering rebates directly to consumers at the point of sale. 

  • Athletes, Artists, and Astronauts: Women Mentors at the White House

    As Women's History Month draws to a close, First Lady Michelle Obama brought a group of America's most accomplished women to D.C. to meet with area students. Among the attendees were WNBA star Lisa Leslie, former Olympians Michelle Kwan and Dominique Dawes, actresses Geena Davis and Hillary Swank, astronaut Ellen Ochoa, Air Force General Dana Born, and almost a dozen more leaders from the worlds of business and entertainment.

    First Lady Speaks at Ballou High School

    First Lady Michelle Obama shares her experiences with students at Ballou High School in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Obama encouraged them to encourage them to strive for excellence while pursuing their career goals. March 30, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

    During the day, the First Lady paid a visit to Ballou High School in Washington, D.C., and spoke with a group of exceptional students. She reminded them that any dream is possible through a strong education and hard work:

    Barack and I were not born with silver spoons in our mouths and connections and money and resources. A lot of why we’re where we are today is because we worked hard. We felt a deep passion for getting our education.  We were motivated not by making our friends proud of us, but by making our family proud of us. And with a lot of preparation, when the opportunities presented themselves, we were ready. And you all can do the same.

  • The Employment Situation in March

    Today’s employment report shows that private sector payrolls increased by 230,000 in March, marking 13 consecutive months of private employment growth. Private sector employers added 1.8 million jobs over that period, including more than half a million jobs in the last three months. The unemployment rate fell for the fourth straight month to 8.8 percent. The full percentage point drop in the unemployment rate over the past four months is the largest such decline since 1984, and, importantly, it has been driven primarily by increased employment, rather than people leaving the labor force.

    As long as millions of people are looking for jobs, there is still considerable work to do to replace the jobs lost in the downturn. Nonetheless, the steep decline in the jobless rate and the solid employment growth in recent months are encouraging. The last two months of private job gains have been the strongest in five years. We are seeing signs that the initiatives put in place by this Administration – such as the payroll tax cut and business incentives for investment – are creating the conditions for sustained growth and job creation.   We will continue to work with Congress to find ways to reduce spending, so that we can live within our means and focus on the investments that are most likely to help grow our economy and create jobs - investments in education, infrastructure, and clean energy.