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News, Notices and Announcements

Read the latest news about stimulus projects and programs in Wyoming. This page also contains supplemental information to current public notices related to certain programs under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009.

Latest News and Notices

Report details progress driving clean energy innovation, building domestic manufacturing capacity, and helping families and businesses save money through energy efficiency... more
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced investments in 28 states that will create jobs and improve needed infrastructure in rural communities across the nation.... more
State more than triples number of homes weatherized under Recovery Act... more
Link to article: State education dept. will receive $22M in additional recovery funds... more
Link to Wyoming Business Report article: Silver Star nets two broadband grants... more
Link to Cowboy State Free Press article: Wyoming awarded $600 million in federal stimulus... more
Link to Wyoming Business Report article: Study: Wyo in top 4 states for stimulus dollars... more
CHEYENNE - An appliance rebate program will launch April 15 to help Wyoming residents replace older, less energy efficient appliances with newer, energy efficient technology.... more
March 26, 2010 - Appliance Rebate
The Appliance Rebate website is now up and running! The URL is: more
Wyoming’s Weatherization Assistance Program crews have weatherized more than 300 homes in Wyoming since July.... more
Eight local and statewide projects to train workers in emerging industries in Wyoming will be funded under a grant received by the Wyoming Workforce Development Council.... more
CHEYENNE - In less than 10 days, the Wyoming State Energy Office has obligated all federal stimulus funding designated for the residential renewable energy program, and has created a waiting list for those still interested in the program.... more
November 20, 2009 - Clean-Drinking Water Award
Wyoming’s Office of State Lands and Investments (OSLI), the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) and the Wyoming Water Development Office (WWDO) recently received the 2009 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Award... more
The Wyoming Workforce Development Council has awarded several grants for Industry Partnership Solutions and Alternative and Renewable Energy Training.... more

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