Rather than fight the same tired battles that have dominated Washington for decades, it’s time to try something new. Let’s invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt. Let’s meet our responsibility to the citizens who sent us here. Let’s try common sense.
                                              – President Barack Obama

"The President releases the FY 2011 Federal Budget"

MON, JUNE 28, 9:40 AM EST

Cutting Waste by Reforming IT

As I’ve written before, one source of ineffective and inefficient government is the technology gap between the public and private sectors.
FRI, JUNE 25, 5:00 PM EST

Life is a Series of Hellos and Goodbyes

Earlier this week, I announced that I will be stepping down as OMB Director. It has been a great honor to serve in President Obama’s Cabinet, and the decision to step down was not an easy one.
THU, JUNE 24, 2:01 PM EST


As I wrote recently, one of the steps we are taking to cut waste in government and boost performance is establishing a Do Not Pay List, a single source through which all agencies can check the status of a potential contractor or individual, so that a barred or ineligible individual or organization is not paid erroneously. This is part of a sustained effort we have taken to go after the $100 billion wasted in improper payments each year by the federal government.
FRI, JUNE 18, 11:30 AM EST

Do Not Pay? Do Read This Post

Over the past few weeks (and since taking office 16 months ago), we have focused on cutting waste, boosting efficiency, and creating a government more open and responsive to the American people.

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