NOAANow - Top News Stories
  • NOAA Strategy for Future Reopenings
    NOAA's Fisheries Service first prohibited commercial and recreational fishing in federal waters impacted by the Deepwater Horizon/BP oil spill as a seafood safety measure in early May. The closed area was 88,522 square miles or 37 percent of the Gulf of Mexico federal waters at its largest and now after six reopenings is 31,915 square miles or 13 percent of the Gulf of Mexico federal waters.
  • Announcing Fisheries Law Enforcement Complaint e-Hotline
    In order to provide further protection to anyone who has information regarding enforcement improprieties by NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement or enforcement attorneys, NOAA will establish a Enforcement Complaint e-Hotline – this one specifically to report unfair or overzealous enforcement actions or other breaches of conduct by NOAA enforcement agents or attorneys. 
  • NOAA: Coral Bleaching Likely in Caribbean This Year
    According to the NOAA Coral Reef Watch monitoring system coral bleaching is likely in the Caribbean in 2010. Scientists are already reporting coral bleaching at several Caribbean sites and severe bleaching has been reported from other parts of the world.