About FDA

About FDA


FDA-TRACK: Agency-wide Program Performance

A performance management system that monitors over 100 FDA program offices through key performance measures.

FDA Basics: Ask Questions, Get Answers and Meet FDA Staff. Read More.

FDA Basics

Ask Questions, Get Answers & Meet FDA Staff with FDA's new Web-based resource.

FDA partnerswith stakeholders

Partnerships & Collaborations

FDA partners with stakeholders to address critical public health needs and bridge scientific gaps.

FDA Basics

Ask Questions, Get Answers, Meet FDA Staff.

Contact FDA

Ways to contact FDA by mail and by phone

Working at FDA

Vacancies, fellowships, internships, and graduate and faculty programs; employment benefits; ethics; buildings and facilities

What We Do

What FDA does and does not regulate, laws FDA enforces, initiatives, budget and finance, history of FDA

FDA Acronyms & Abbreviations

Provides a quick reference to acronyms and abbreviations related to FDA activities

En EspaƱol

Spanish versions of important FDA publications.

Centers & Offices

Contact information for the eight divisions (centers and offices) within FDA

Commissioners Page

Biographies and accomplishments of current and former heads of FDA

Partnerships & Collaborations

Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and public/private partnership information

Doing Business With FDA

Ways to reach FDA offices for specific types of questions

Reports, Manuals, & Forms

A collection of various FDA reports, guides, and forms.

About This Web Site

Accessibility, policies, and redesign of the FDA Website.

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