Medical Devices

Medical Devices

Photo of two hands holding a window up to the sky

CDRH Transparency

A window into CDRH's decisions and the data behind them.

Person in a hospital bed in the background; blue infusion pump with keypad and digital display in the foreground.

Infusion Pumps

Learn about infusion pumps and FDA's new safety initiative.

collage of device images

FDA's Role in Fostering the Development of Better Medical Devices

Message from Center Director Jeff Shuren, M.D., J.D.

Products and Medical Procedures

Approvals & Clearances, Home Use, Surgical, Implants & Prosthetics, In Vitro Diagnostics, more...

Medical Device Safety

Alerts & Notices, Recalls, Report a Problem, MedSun, Emergency Situations

Device Advice: Device Regulation and Guidance

How to Market a Device, Postmarket Requirements, Compliance, Importing & Exporting, more...

Science and Research (Medical Devices)

Chemistry & Materials Science, Solid & Fluid Mechanics, Imaging & Applied Mathematics, Electrical & Software Engineering, more...

News & Events (Medical Devices)

Medical Device News, Videos, Workshops & Meetings

Resources for You (Medical Devices)

Consumers, Health Care Providers, Regulated Industry

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