Nanotechnology Task Force

Science & Research

Nanotechnology Task Force

About the Task Force

The FDA Nanotechnology Task Force, formed in August 2006, is charged with determining regulatory approaches that encourage the continued development of innovative, safe, and effective FDA-regulated products that use nanotechnology materials. The Task Force continues to  identify and recommend ways to address any knowledge or policy gaps that exist so as to better enable the agency to evaluate possible adverse health effects from FDA-regulated products that use nanotechnology materials.  Agency operatives with membership to the Task Force are highlighted in blue below.

The following FDA Offices are represented on the FDA Nanotechnology Task Force: Office of the Chief Scientist, Office of the Chief Counsel, Office of External Affairs, Office of International Programs, Office of Policy, Planning and Budget, Office of Special Medical Programs, Center for Biologics Research and Evaluation, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Center for Tobacco Products, Center for Veterinary Medicine, National Center for Toxicological Research, and the Office of Regulatory Affairs.


Nanotechnology Task Force Report

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