
Tobacco Products

individuals in a meeting

Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee

The Tobacco Products Advisory Committee (TPSAC) meets on July 15-16. Watch the live webcast.

Break the Chain of Tobacco Addiction

Break the Chain of Tobacco Addiction

Join us in helping break the chain of tobacco addiction by keeping tobacco out of the hands of America's youth! Tools and tips for retailers and partners.

Text:  Tobacco Control Act, FDA Center for Tobacco Products Inaugural Year in Review

Tobacco Control Act One Year Anniversary

The FDA has taken several important steps in an effort to prevent our children from becoming the next generation of Americans to die prematurely from tobacco use.

News & Events (Tobacco)

Press Releases, FAQs, Progress Reports, and Meetings & Conferences

Guidance, Compliance & Regulatory Information (Tobacco)

FDA & Tobacco Regulation: Legal, Regulatory, and Policy issues on the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009.

Labeling (Tobacco)

The Tobacco Control Act requires changes to the labeling and advertising of certain tobacco products.

Protecting Kids from Tobacco

FDA is working to protect the health of America’s children and ultimately reduce the burden of illness and death caused by tobacco use.

Resources for You (Tobacco)

For Consumers, Industry, Retailers, and Manufacturers and Health Professionals


Contact Us

  • Tobacco

  • 1-877-CTP-1373
  • 1-877-287-1373
  • (7:30am EDT-6pm EDT)
  • For General Inquiries:

    Center for Tobacco Products Food and Drug Administration

    9200 Corporate Boulevard

    Rockville, MD 20850-3229

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