Summit on Community Colleges

Summit on Community Colleges
Find videos, speeches, an online discussion, and a toolkit from the the first-ever White House Summit on Community Colleges.

TEACH Campaign

Link to TEACH campaign press release
Secretary Duncan launched a national campaign to increase the number, quality, and diversity of people seeking to become teachers. A new website,, provides resources, videos, and an interactive "pathway to teaching" tool.

Promise Neighborhoods Planning Grants

Link to the Promise Neighborhoods Planning Grants press release
21 nonprofit organizations and higher education institutions will receive grants to create plans for cradle-to-career services for children.

Gainful Employment Regulations

Link to Gainful Employment Regulations press release
ED is on track to implement new regulations of the for-profit education sector. A new schedule provides additional time to consider extensive public input.
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Wed, October 13, 9:50 AM

Watch a behind-the-scenes video with President Obama and students from the film "Waiting for Superman."

Wed, October 13, 9:47 AM

President Obama welcomed award-winning student entrepreneurs to the Oval Office and picked their brains.

Tue, October 12, 1:00 AM

Secretary Duncan watched an anatomy class in North Dakota where a lead instructor teaches students in five schools at once through satellite television.

Fri, October 8, 1:06 PM

Learn about a remarkable public elementary school that combines the art of learning with the learning of art.

Fri, October 8, 9:24 AM

How can we attract talented people into teaching, particularly more Latino and African American males? Join the discussion.

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A great education can help you achieve your dreams. You can do it. Here's how.
Learn about research-based practices for organizing instruction, teaching algebra, and more.
Recommendations on ways to organize instruction, use data, reduce behavior problems, help students struggling with reading and math, and address other common challenges.
Find lesson plans, primary documents, science animations, and more from dozens of federal agencies.
Find ways to help provide assistance to Haiti. Share what your school, college, or organization is doing.

Secretary Duncan released a statement on the resignation of Michelle Rhee as chancellor of the D.C. Public Schools.


ED is hosting the next Education Stakeholders Forum on October 22 from 2:30 to 4:00 pm at ED headquarters in Washington, DC.


"Serve your clients ably," Secretary Duncan said at an American Bar Association meeting. "But respond to the higher calling of the law to address injustice and inequality."


A grant to Tennessee will test how to prepare students to apply for financial aid, enroll in college, and make related financial planning decisions.


ED and the Justice Dept. launched a national forum to share strategies and explore how federal agencies can support local efforts.


28 grants will help create opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities succeed in higher education.
