U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Notice No. 058

March 11, 1977

OCS Operations Safety Alert

Fatality -- Stabbing Board Falls

A man received fatal injuries recently on an offshore drilling rig when the stabbing board on which he was working fell.

The stabbing board was the metal basket type running on a vertical track and was equipped with an air hoist and controls for positioning it upward or downward. Sixty-five joints of casing had been run and the board had been moved numerous times when the cable on the air hoist drum unspooled allowing the board to drop. The cable broke when extended to its full length causing the man to fall off the board to the rig floor 50' below. Investigation revealed that at the time of the accident the safety locking device lever on the board was not in use and the man was not using a safety harness.

To prevent a recurrence of this accident the operator is taking the following action:

1. Instruct all concerned in the operation and use of the safety devices provided on the stabbing board.

2. Be vigilant in the proper use of the provided safety equipment and devices.

3. Frequent inspection of the stabbing board and its safety devices.

4. Instruct anyone observed not using the provided safety devices in a hazardous situation to immediately use same or be removed from the hazardous location.

[signed] D.J. Bourgeois

for D.W. Solanas

Oil and Gas Supervisor

Field Operations

Gulf of Mexico Area