Strong Climate and Energy Bill Is Needed Now More Than Ever

"The tragedy unfolding on our coast is the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now." 
— President Obama in his Oval Office speech, June 15, 2010

"I Am Not a Guinea Pig": EDF Launches Campaign to Reform U.S. Chemicals Policy

The online campaign provides Americans with the tools to demand strong safety standards for toxic chemicals.

Dominique Browning on the BP Blowout Tragedy

The former editor-in-chief of House & Garden magazine writes a monthly column about environmental issues.

Somewhere Over the Gulf Coast Full BP oil disaster coverage »

"Two days in the Gulf of Mexico left me enraged — and deeply resolved."
When EDF's executive director came home with horrific images seared in his memory, his daughter played music from the TV show Glee. The tragic irony hit him — and inspired this video. Full disaster coverage »

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How do we at EDF change the world? We find new ways to take ideas grounded in science and scale them up to transform entire sectors.

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Global Warming
Stabilizing climate is the critical environmental challenge. We use national, regional and global work to preserve life and prosperity.

Abundant fish populations mean food and economic prosperity. We promote smart management and protection of critical habitat to restore oceans.

Land, Water and Wildlife
To ensure our environmental and economic security we need to protect land and freshwater ecosystems at a scale never before attempted.

Pollution and toxic chemicals can take a heavy toll on people's health, particularly on children. We work to reduce or eliminate those threats.