@fastcompany Windows 8 Features Leaked: Instant On/Off, Syncing to the Cloud, and Tablets

1 minutes ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@VentureBeat Tesla makes magic happen, prices shares at $17 by @camillericketts

1 minutes agovia web | RETWEET

@TechCrunch Tesla Prices IPO At $17 Per Share - by @leenarao

27 minutes ago via WordTwit | RETWEET

@TechCrunch TechCrunchTV: Keen On... The Brain - by

43 minutes ago via WordTwit | RETWEET

@engadget Sprint lines up Epic 4G against the competition, likes its chances

53 minutes ago via twitterfeed | RETWEET

@fastcompany Infographic of the Day comes from @GOOD: Why Walking and Biking Are Rising Explosively

2 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@mashable License Songs for Your YouTube Videos at $1.99 Each -

2 hours ago via bitly | RETWEET

@engadget Mario live wallpaper for Android: better than a Tanooki Suit in the summer

2 hours ago via twitterfeed | RETWEET

@VentureBeat Leaked Windows 8 slides: It'll be like Apple, but ugly by @paulboutin

2 hours agovia web | RETWEET

@Gizmodo Oh yes! Yes! Yes! A customizable Super Mario live wallpaper for Android!

2 hours ago via Tweetie for Mac | RETWEET

MONDAY, JUNE 28, 2010

Droids vs. iPhones: iReporters compare

Droids vs. iPhones: iReporters compare

Some contributors to CNN's iReport line up two different iPhones and two different Droids to compare and contrast. Which comes out ahead? FULL STORY


iReport: Stop-motion iPhone 4 unpacking

iReport: Stop-motion iPhone 4 unpacking

A CNN iReporter painstakingly recorded still frames for this stop-motion video as he unboxed his iPhone 4. FULL STORY


The Gulf oil disaster, explained in 3-D

The Gulf oil disaster, explained in 3-D

Take a closer look at the cleanup site of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill using this interactive 3-D rendering. You can see what's happening above and below the water. FULL STORY


iReport: Using the iPhone to review the iPhone

iReport: Using the iPhone to review the iPhone

iReporter Keith Taylor got his new iPhone 4 this week and thinks it "looks awesome." He used the phone's new front-facing camera to shoot a short video review tonight and posted in on iReport. FULL STORY


The Wild Web

PR hit aside, BP should leave satire alonePR hit aside, BP should leave satire alone
The BP disaster offers a blueprint for public-relations meltdowns in the digital age.

The Wild Web comes out every Monday

Gadgets & Gaming

3-D games don't press right buttons yet3-D games don't press right buttons yet
From "Mario Kart" to "Mortal Kombat," last week's Electronic Entertainment Expo made one thing abundantly clear: 3-D gaming is just around the corner.

Gadgets & Gaming comes out every Tuesday

Mobile Watch

Pulse: Why I almost didn't return my iPad Pulse: Why I almost didn't return my iPad
Recently, I bought an iPad -- but only to try it out.

Mobile Watch comes out every Wednesday

Social Circles

iPad magazines: Don't believe the hypeiPad magazines: Don't believe the hype
Much has been said about the iPad's ability to reinvigorate the publishing industry. But the first generation of magazine apps on the iPad falls short.

Social Circles comes out every Thursday

CNN Tech Lab

New tech tries to kill the mouse, keyboardNew tech tries to kill the mouse, keyboard
Goodbye computer mouse, keyboard and monitor. New tech wants to make the old ways of talking to your computer obsolete.

CNN Tech Lab comes out every Friday

How to tell if you're a comments troll

How to tell if you're a comments trollSo you're surfing along on your favorite website when you see something that gets your plasma boiling -- so much so that that pulsating vein above your eye is about to burst. read more


All the news from the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), the year's biggest event for the video gaming industry. We'll have coverage of the big keynotes, video demos and previews of upcoming games. read more

Living with Technology

From the web to cell phones to TV, technology impacts our lives every day. This special coverage series helps explain how. read more

Navigating Your Online World

The internet is a wonderful tool, but also a bewildering and even dangerous one. This series helps you avoid online identity thieves and other scammers. read more

San Francisco Chronicle | JUNE 28, 2010

Search engines getting major tune-ups

Once, search engines were content to spit out a list of Web sites. Now, they're offering more of a guiding hand.

Quick Job Search
Clark Howard on HLN

Sat. & Sun. 12 & 4 p.m. ET

Tips on how to save more money, spend less, and not get ripped off.