USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2008-1148 & OCS Study MMS 2008-015

April 15, 2008

Characterization of Northern Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Hard Bottom Communities with Emphasis on Lophelia Coral - Lophelia Reef Megafaunal Community Structure, Biotopes, Genetics, Microbial Ecology, and Geology (2004-2006)

Kenneth J. Sulak, Lead PI & Lead Editor, Co-editors: Michael Randall, Kirsten E. Luke, April D. Norem, and Jana M. Miller

Contributors: R. Allen Brooks, John H. Caruso, Andréa Grottoli, William M. Harden, Robin L. Johnson, Christina A. Kellogg, Tim L. King, Kirsten E. Luke, Jana M. Miller, Cheryl Morrison, Martha S. Nizinski, April D. Norem, Andrew J. Quaid, Michael T. Randall, Michael J. Risk, Steve W. Ross, William B. Schill, Kenneth J. Sulak, Branwin Williams, and George E. Yeargin.

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Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region
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This report has been prepared for distribution in a two-disc DVD set, and as a web-accessible report product (DVD-1 content in Adobe® .pdf and .html formats at

For more information on the USGS, the Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and living resources, natural hazards, and the environment: World Wide Web:; Telephone: 1-800-ASK-USGS

Suggested Citation: Characterization of Northern Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Hard Bottom Communities with Emphasis on Lophelia Coral - Lophelia Reef Megafaunal Community Structure, Biotopes, Genetics, Microbial Ecology, and Geology. K. J. Sulak, M. T. Randall, K. E. Luke, A. D. Norem, and J. M. Miller (Eds.). USGS Open-File Report 2008-1148; OCS Study MMS 2008-015, 15 April 2008, 8 Chapters, pp., 8 Master Appendices (incl. Interactive Dive Track DVD).

     Select an option:

Cover & Contents & Abstracts (367 KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction to the Investigations (2,108 KB)
Chapter 2 - Demersal Fishes Associated with Lophelia Pertusa Coral and Associated Biotopes on the Continental Slope, Northern Gulf of Mexico (1,049 KB)
Chapter 3 - Quantitative Definition of Viosca Knoll Biotopes Available to Fishes of the Continental Slope, 325-500 M, Northern Gulf of Mexico (3,199 KB)
Chapter 4 - Molecular Assessment of Deep-sea Scleractinian Coral Biodiversity and Population Structure of Lophelia pertusa in the Gulf of Mexico (1,857 KB)
Chapter 5 - Expressed Genes of the Deep-Water Coral, Lophelia pertusa (326 KB)
Chapter 6 - Microbial Ecology of Lophelia pertusa in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (623 KB)
Chapter 7 - Deep Water Antipatharians: Proxies of Environmental Change (460 KB)
Chapter 8 - Origins, Composition, Age and Structural Diversification of Viosca Knoll Lophelia Coral Reefs and Substrate - A Synopsis of Preliminary Results (3,161 KB)
Master Apppendix B - Table 1.4 - Fish Specimen Samples (84 KB)
Master Apppendix B - Table 1.5 - Fish Stomach Content Samples (64 KB)
Master Apppendix B - Table 1.6 - Photolog (Layout Voucher Images) (56 KB)
Master Apppendix B - Table 1.7 - Invertebrate Samples (72 KB)
Master Apppendix B - Table 1.8 - Sediment Samples (41 KB)
Master Apppendix B - Table 1.9 - Stable Isotope Samples (119 KB)
Key to Plates in Master Appendix C - Demersal Fishes of Viosca Knoll, USGS Lophelia Community Investigation - Digital Image Voucher Atlas (692 KB)
Master Appendix C - Demersal Fishes of Viosca Knoll, Lophelia Community Investigation (4,072 KB)
Key to Plates in Master Appendix D - Megapaunal Invertebrates of Viosca Knoll, USGS Lophelia Community Investigation - Digital Image Voucher Atlas (1,421 KB)
Master Appendix D - Megafaunal Invertebrates of Viosca Knoll, Lophelia Community Investigation (9,209 KB)
Key to Plates in Master Appendix E - Biotopes of Viosca Knoll, USGS Lophelia Community Investigation - Digital Image Voucher Atlas (517 KB)
Master Appendix E - Biotopes of Viosca Knoll, Lophelia Community Investigation (3,582 KB)
Master Appendix F - Attempts to Culture and Monitor Growth Rates in Deepwater Antipatharians and Gorgonians (491 KB)
Master Appendix G - Matrix of Coral PointCount CPCe Occurrence Scores per Digital Frame Analyzed for Megafaunal Biotope Analysis (235 KB)
Master Appendix H - Journal Manuscripts, Symposium Papers, and Other Products Resulting in Whole or in Part from Research Undertaken by the USGS Lophelia Investigation Team, 2004-2006 (117 KB)

USGS 2004-2006 Lophelia program Chief Scientist, Dr. Ken Sulak introduces some prominent fish and invertebrate inhabitants of the deep-reef, describes typical Viosca Knoll continental slope biotopes, and highlights submersible operations used to investigate the deep-reef fauna.

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Bathymetric Mapping Products
from the Mississippi-Alabama
and West Florida outer
continental shelf, 1997-2003

For additional information, contact:

U.S. Geological Survey
Florida Biology - Gainesville
7920 NW 71st Steet
Gainesville, FL 32653
352-264-3500  (Ken Sulak)

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Research Group Gulf of Mexico
OCS Investigation Reports

For additional DOI research on
Gulf of Mexico Lophelia reefs,
visit this link:

CSA International, Inc.
Prepared under MMS Contract
OCS Study - MMS 2007-044
Characterization of Northern Gulf
of Mexico Deepwater Hard-Bottom
Communities with Emphasis on
Lophelia Coral

OCS Study - MMS 2007-044 - Characterization of Northern Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Hard-Bottom Communities with Emphasis on Lophelia Coral - clicking this link will leave this site

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