Sand and Gravel Program: In the News
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    Colleen Finnegan

    OMM Web Team


Photo of wind turbines in deep waterPhoto of a fishPhoto of a wetlandPhoto of a platform with three boatsPhoto of a killer whalePhoto of a welder working on an offshore platformPhoto of a platform in water and behind a snowy mountainPhoto of three oil refinery faucetsPhoto of a wind energy farm
    Sand and Gravel Program
In the News

News About the MMS Sand and Gravel Program:
(All file format is Adobe Acrobat.)

bullet Up to 3 Million Cubic Yards to Bolster 25 Miles of the Grand Strand (September 2007) (38 KB PDF)
bullet Federal Offshore Sand to Build-Up South Carolina Beaches (September 2007) (79 KB PDF)
bullet Florida's Naples Area Beaches Get Help from MMS (December 2005) (52 KB PDF)
bullet Florida's Jacksonville Area Beaches Get Help from MMS (April 2005) (116 KB PDF)
bullet Florida's Brevard County Beaches Get Help from MMS (February 2005) (76 KB PDF)
bullet Cape Area Elementary Students, Minerals Management Service Celebrate Earth Day on Restored Cocoa Beach (April 2004) (63 KB PDF)
bullet Celebrate Brevard County Beaches on Earth Day 2004 (April 2004) (35 KB PDF)
bullet Louisiana Beach to Receive Sand for Restoration Project (April 2003) (69 KB PDF)
bullet The Faces of Coastal Erosion (April 2003) (1230 KB PDF)
bullet Major Efforts Underway to Protect Beaches (April 2003) (354 KB PDF)
bullet Louisiana Beach to Get Sand for Restoration Project (May 2002) (69 KB PDF)
bullet Beach Replenishment Project Begins in Brevard County, Florida (March 2002) (66 KB PDF)
bullet Assateague Beach Restoration Efforts Kicks off in September (2000) (215 KB PDF)
bullet Environmental Study May Benefit Eroding Beaches in Alabama (April 1997) (10.70 KB PDF)
bullet Interior Department to Study Use of Offshore Sand for Beach Restoration (October 1995)
(7 KB PDF)
bullet MMS and South Carolina to Study Offshore Sand Resources for Beach Restoration (October 1995) (7 KB PDF)
bullet MMS Extends Cooperative Agreement with North Carolina to Study Offshore Sand Resources (June 1995) (7 KB PDF)
bullet Outer Continental Shelf Sand and Gravel Legislation will Aid Beach, Wetland Restoration (October 1994) (7 KB PDF)

Last Updated: 05/18/2010, 08:20 AM Central Time