Resource Evaluation Program: Regulation of Prelease Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Exploration
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Regulation of Prelease Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Exploration
Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Data Acquisition
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    Harold Syms

    OMM Web Team

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   Resource Evaluation
Regulation of Prelease Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Exploration
bullet Overview
bullet G&G Permitting Process


Geological and Geophysical exploration consists of a number of well refined techniques for data collection and their subsequent interpretations. G&G exploration is done on a pre-lease as well as on a post-lease basis. It is a necessary step towards reducing the risk and uncertainty that inevitably accompany the costly process of drilling offshore wells. With the help of G& G exploration techniques attempts are made to infer:

bullet whether the requisite geologic conditions for petroleum occurrence exist;
bullet where petroleum reservoirs are located, and
bullet the size of the reservoirs and the probable volumes of petroleum that they may contain.

Most of the information used by both the Federal government and industry to estimate or infer the oil and gas potential of an area is acquired by prelease G&G surveys. A considerable amount of this information is collected by lessees or under prelease exploration permits issued by the MMS to specialized data-collection firms that sell or furnish the information to oil companies. MMS receives copies of this information as a condition of the permits. Processing and approval of exploration permits are responsibilities of the Resource Evaluation Program and include:

bullet reviewing of applications for permits and submission of notices for OCS geologic or geophysical scientific research or exploration for mineral resources;
bullet issuing permits and agreements, including terms, conditions, and stipulations;
bullet monitoring permit activity; and
bullet ensuring that G&G activities are carried out in an environmentally safe manner.

The objective of this component of the Resource Evaluation Program involves the development and implementation of the regulations, rules, and procedures that must be followed by any non-Federal party that collects prelease G&G data and information on the OCS for purposes related to mineral exploration, development, or production. The regulations governing prelease G&G exploration activities for oil, gas, and sulphur are set forth at 30 CFR Part 251 (124 KB), and those governing prospecting for minerals other than oil, gas and sulphur is at 30 CFR Part 280. They govern the permitting, data acquisition, and release of information by MMS. The regulations prescribe when a permit or a notice is required, operating procedures, and conditions for release of data and information. They also prescribe reimbursement to permittees for reproduction costs of any data and information submitted to MMS. The permit forms are region specific, and they are available through MMS regional offices covering Gulf of Mexico, Alaska and the Pacific regions and can be downloaded from those regions web pages.

Last Updated: 05/12/2010, 11:47 AM Central Time