


Subpart O Discussion Group
(Skip Intro, Go to Discussion)

Welcome to our Discussion Group about Subpart O!  We appreciate your interest.  

The blue buttons at the top of the navigation bar on the left side of the page take you to specific information about Subpart O. The button labeled "Subpart O Q&A" contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions that have already been addressed and which you may find helpful. At the bottom of this page the Contents, Search, and Post links allow you to participate in the discussions here.  Click first on "Contents" and take a look at what's already here.

Please note that although the form for submitting comments has a field for your name, it is not required...anonymous submissions are perfectly acceptable.  We do not use cookies or any other mechanism to track information about you or your computer system.  We are interested in your input about Subpart O, not who you are, where you're logging on from, or any other personal or private information about you.

Forums such as this require the use of guidelines, and ours are fairly simple and straightforward.  No profanity, please.  No name calling or other derogatory personal comments.  We reserve the right to delete any comments or content that we feel is inappropriate for a public government forum.

Last, if you have suggestions for how we can improve this forum or interest in our establishing forums for other topics, please e-mail us at the address listed below. 

Comments?  Questions?  For content issues, e-mail  Wilbon Rhome,  or for questions about using the forum or other technical issues, e-mail Marcia Oliver.

Note: you may need to reload this page to see the most recent additions.