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Holier than Dow
Daily Show satire: Clergy investors take on Wall Street

Vatican reaches out to atheists but not you, Richard Dawkins "The Vatican is planning a new initiative to reach out to atheists and agnostics in an attempt to improve the church's relationship with non-believers."
- GiordanoBruno
More blacks coming out as atheist, organizing in secular groups Blacks, mirroring larger U.S. trend, 'come out' as nonbelievers A recent report from the Religion News Service reveals that an increasing amount of African American atheists, agnostics and humanists are beginning to self-identify as such.
- Hux
Why do atheists not have churches and TV programs? Because we really dont care about Spreading the word. We are not organized, we are individuals who are comfortable with our beliefs and keep them to ourselves, except on Forum like this.
- climateguy
Some Iranians in the U.S. are using the Internet to communicate with those at home and have begun forming protest groups. Video: Jason Witmer. 6/11/10

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