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Has anyone ever said you were psychic? Have you predicted the future accurately without even meaning to? Prescient statements won't be so rare today, as the sun and Mercury come into alignment in the emotional water sign of Cancer. The future might be simply accessed by describing your feelings in the present.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You'll get the chance to talk about your plans with someone who can't help you at all. This is perfect. You'll hone your vision as you talk. Soon you'll be presenting to someone who can help, and you'll be ready.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Getting others to follow your plan will not be so easy. Your patience will be required, and it will also help to have an open mind. Eventually, loved ones give you what you need and not necessarily what you want.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You're proud to have powerful friends, but sometimes this makes you feel, by comparison, less successful. It's not true. Make a list of your proudest accomplishments to remind yourself of them.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). You're about to hit a home run. But this will only bring the kind of happiness and luck you desire if you have prepared for it. Everything goes better for you when you feel like you've covered all your bases. A checklist helps.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You'll be the center of attention, which would be a lot of pressure for someone else. But not for you. You are so creative that you can take whatever you see and turn it into a story.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You are admired and loved. You'll hear the proof of this. Someone will say sweet things to you when it matters -- and even sweeter things to you when it doesn't.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Take care of yourself the best way you know how. Tend to the details. It's not for them; it's for you. If you miss something, you'll be too self-conscious to do your best.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A burden is lifted from your mind and heart. This makes you feel suddenly bright. Your inner light will shine. People sense this and draw near to you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There's someone who has been on your mind. Think lovely thoughts about this person, and soon you will get the call. You'll thrill to the sweet sound of his or her voice.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Do you know exactly why you want what you want? Investigate by asking your heart to be specific. If your reasons are too vague, you will not have the drive to follow through with your plan.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Sometimes you make your friends laugh. But you are not merely a source of entertainment to them -- you're a real friend who knows when and how to lighten the mood.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your reputation will be stellar. This is not because of your excellent public relations plan, but because you do the right thing consistently and people feel that you are someone who can be trusted.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (June 28). You'll make meaningful new connections this year. Your feelings will deepen while doing the most ordinary of activities. You'll also learn that relationships don't have to be so heavy to be good. Carefree friendships infuse your days with laughter. There's a transportation upgrade in August. November brings a windfall. Save it! Capricorn and Taurus people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 20, 15, 44 and 17.

ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHT: URANUS AND THE TAROT: Astrology is linked symbolically to the deck of cards known as Tarot. Each planet is represented in its own card. For instance, the card called "The Fool" is generally said to symbolize Uranus in a typical deck of Tarot cards. This card shows a person -- sometimes a court jester -- standing on a precipice ready to step off into the unknown. There is the element of surprise depicted here, a sense that anything can happen, which is in keeping with Uranus' reputation as the inventor and innovator of the zodiac. Uranus is at the forefront of technology, imagining how things might look in the future and turning that vision into today's reality. He is the cutting edge, so to speak, and what The Fool will find lying at the bottom of that cliff is anyone's guess. It could be a pit of alligators, or he may find while freefalling that he's learned how to fly. That's the unpredictable flip side of Uranus -- part pioneer, part saboteur. The trick to getting along well with this trickster planet is to just trust in the big picture of the universe and take a leap of faith, just as The Fool illustrates.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Her mother left when she was 2, and her father was in and out of jail. But "American Idol" contestant Kellie Pickler is a sensitive Cancer who has found something positive to do with her life's misfortunes: turn them into country songs. She was born under a warrior moon -- that's Aries. And with Mercury and Venus in Leo, her playful creativity is at its best under the white-hot spotlight.

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