
Hearst Newspapers owns 15 daily newspapers, including Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle, Albany Times Union and San Antonio Express-News.

  • “Hearst Newspapers has a single vision: innovate to maximize the profitability of all lines of business while improving its high-quality products for readers around the country.”

    Steven R. Swartz   President, Hearst Newspapers

2009 ANNUAL REVIEW: At the start of 2009, in an industry that was already rapidly changing, a tough economy for newspapers turned outright brutal. Hearst Newspapers launched a counterattack: a “100 Days of Change” blitz to rein in costs, leverage and maximize resources—both human and financial—and remake its businesses. By the end of the year, Hearst Newspapers stabilized, returned to a profitable run rate and is charting an aggressive new course for 2010 and beyond. Read More >>

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Executive Team

Steven R. Swartz >>
Hearst Newspapers

Mark E. Aldam >>
Executive Vice President, Deputy Group Head
Hearst Newspapers

Phil Bronstein >>
Director of Content Development & Editor-at-Large
Hearst Newspapers

John Condon >>
Senior Vice President, Finance
Hearst Newspapers

Lincoln Millstein >>
Senior Vice President for Digital Media
Hearst Newspapers