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St. Augustine blues?
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Before you start digging, there are some idiosyncrasies you should know about our climate and soil.

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When is a lemon a lime? A month later and the (lemon) is getting bigger ... but it's still green?
- cheybean
Re: Rasberry ants: Any ideas out there? you can only hope to really control rasberry ants. the number of them is crazy. No pun intended.
- scottmcg
Vacation watering Does anyone know of a service company that does vacation watering?
- greycatt
Re: Flea-like bugs - HELP Are they teeny tiny? They could be springtails.
- hou2009
Urban Harvest
Fruit, vegetable and
habitat gardening
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GARDENING ADVICE: Send questions about plants or horticulture to Kathy Huber or post a question in the forums for local gardeners to discuss.

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