Lease Sale Program: Additional Information for OCS Economic Impact Models Upgrade Contract
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    Kim Coffman

    OEMM Web Team

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Additional Information for OCS Economic Impact Models Upgrade Contract

The files at this site are available for download, primarily for bidders responding to Solicitation No. 0103RP72470, for a contract to upgrade the MMS Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Economic Impact Models (EIM) for the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and the Alaska OCS.

As stated in the RFQ and the RFP, the OCS EIM have 2 conceptual steps, the first estimating the level of spending (by sector and location) and the second converting the spending into estimates of employment, personal income, etc.  The sample model for the Gulf of Mexico is a full 2-step model.  There are three sample models for the Alaska OCS.  The first two are 1st-step models.  The third, consisting of four linked files, would normally be a full version of Sub-Arctic IMPAK.  However, the links would have to be re-established for the model to work.  (See document no. 4 below.)  The first three Alaska files are “final” versions of first-step models recently received from the contractor, and they are under MMS review.

Some of the models, especially those with IMPLAN multipliers, contain proprietary or confidential data.  Therefore, they are for examination only and are not to be used for work unrelated to this contract without specific permission.

Documentation and Labor Needs survey files are in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (pdf).  Excel files are in Excel 2002 (Office XP) xls format.  Access files are in Access 2002 (Office XP) format.

If the models do not open correctly, save them to your own hard drive or network, then open them. You must “Enable Macros” for the Alaska Excel models to work properly. Also note that the 3 documents linked to the Documentation worksheets in the Arctic files are provided on this site.


  1. The New Regional Economic Impact Modeling Approach for the U.S. Minerals Management Service (Article describing the OCS EIM in general)

  2. Modeling the Economic Impacts of Offshore Oil and Gas Activities in the Gulf of Mexico:  Methods and Applications (0.6 MB PDF) (Draft Final report on data underlying cost functions for GOM models)

  3. Description of Sample OCS EIM (GOM) (One page description and instructions, sample GOM model)

  4. Basic Directions for Use of Sample OCS EIM (Arctic)

  5. Reports:

    1. Arctic Economic Impact Model for Petroleum Activities in Alaska (Arctic IMPAK) (2.2 MB PDF)

    2. Report:  Sub-Arctic Economic Impact Model for Petroleum Activities in Alaska (Sub-Arctic IMPAK) (1.1 MB PDF)

  6. Model Documentation

    1. Arctic IMPAK Model Documentation

    2. Sub-Arctic IMPAK Model Documentation

  7. Modeling the Economic Impacts of Offshore Activities in the Alaska Arctic (Article describing approach to 1st-step Arctic model)

Sample Models:
  1. OCSEIM.sample.GOM.XP.mdb (0.8 MB PDF)

  2. Arctic_IMPAK.xls (3.6 MB PDF)

  3. OCSEIM.sample.Arctic.E&D.xls

  4. OCSEIM.sample.Arctic.Link.xls (Correction made to Overview worksheet, lines 25 & 26, on 27 Jun 2003)

  5. OCSEIM.sample.Arctic.IMPAK-2.mdb

  6. Arctic_IMPAK_Local_Gas.xls (3.2 MB PDF)

  7. Sub-Arctic_IMPAK.xls (5.7 MB PDF)

General Information about Models and Planning Area Maps:
  1. List and Description of Features of each Model

  2. List of Onshore Areas

  3. Lists of IMPLAN sectors in Current Models

  4. Map of Lower 48 OCS Planning Areas

  5. Map of Alaska OCS Planning Areas

Documents from Study “Deepwater Program: Assessing and Monitoring Industry Labor Needs”

  1. List of Survey Variables (Preliminary results to be available by contract kick-off in September)

  2. Contractor Survey Forms

  3. Operator Survey Forms

  4. Pipeline Company Survey Forms

  5. Platforms/Rig Construction Company Survey Forms

  6. Pre-Sale Expenditures Survey Forms

  7. Seismic Company Survey Forms

  8. Transportation Company Survey Forms

  9. Employee Survey Forms: Operator

  10. Employee Survey Forms: Pipeline Companies

  11. Employee Survey Forms: Platform/Rig Construction Companies

  12. Employee Survey Forms: Seismic Companies

  13. Employee Survey Forms: Transportation Companies

Last Updated: 03/31/2009, 10:16 AM Central Time