The Nation

A Real Sharia Law Promoter for Peter King to Investigate

A Real Sharia Law Promoter for Peter King to Investigate

Former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Schmitz has tried to use Sharia law to fight lawsuits alleging corporate misconduct that led to deaths of US servicemen.

Posted March 9, 2011

Will the World Recognize the Libyan Opposition?

Will the World Recognize the Libyan Opposition?

That could trump the stalemate, delegitimize Qaddafi, and provide a legal basis for the United Nations to welcome a new Libyan government into the world community.

Posted March 10, 2011

Will Federal Regulators Crack Down on Oil Speculation?

Will Federal Regulators Crack Down on Oil Speculation?

The biggest threat to economic recovery—and to President Obama's shot at re-election—is the price of gas. Why is Wall Street still allowed to aggravate the uncertainty in the market?

Posted March 8, 2011

Books and the Arts

For Joanna Ruocco, language is a multiplier of worlds, a portal to alternate realities.

Clay Shirky's Cognitive Surplus is the latest monotonous revery about the Internet social revolution. Evgeny Morozov punctures that bubble.

Abbas Kiarostami's Certified Copy; Matt Porterfield's Putty Hill; Patricio Guzmán's Nostalgia for the Light; J. Hoberman's new book, An Army of Phantoms

News and Analysis

According to Jasser, the Muslim Brotherhood’s mission is to upend the Constitution and impose Sharia law and Islamic “political collectivism” in America.

What Social Network?

For the condo-buying, sushi-eating Beltway elite, the recession is over. For the rest of America—not so much.

Traditionally female-heavy industries—once thought to be recession-proof—are being hit hard by the “tough choices” made by governors facing depleted state coffers.

The War on Women's Futures

The ultimate aim of the GOP's social agenda is to force women back into the home.

John Boehner and Eric Cantor

Not content with depriving women of reproductive healthcare, House Republicans want to starve them and their children too.


Are the GOP's multi-pronged attacks on women's health finally backfiring?
Yes. This is an all out war on women. Protests across the US show people are outraged and will not stand for these assaults.
Not really. The Democrats will compromise on these issues, and lost will be the idea of reproductive care as a social good.
No. The GOP is out-of-control and now that they've been voted in there's little we can do to stop them.
Women's health is not being attacked. In a budget crisis we all must make sacrifices, including women.
Total votes: 1512


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