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Herndon Elementary School
Herndon Elementary School (graphic by Barbara Ferre)

The Minerals Management Service offices in Herndon, Virginia, has a partnership with Herndon Elementary School. Through this arrangement, MMS employees are serving as tutors and mentors for Herndon Elementary School students, and several have served as guest instructors. MMS employees have sponsored science education in conjunction with Earth Day and represent the bureau in the school's annual Career Fair, explaining to students how their specialties fit into the overall mission of the MMS.

MMS employees have credited hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of grocery store receipts, box tops points, and product labels to HES promotional accounts used to purchase computers and other school supplies.  MMS also has donated a large quantity of surplus office supplies to the school in the last several years. In addition, MMS has provided meeting space for HES teachers and staff.

The school has provided student choirs and ensembles for various MMS functions. Plans are being developed to provide student artwork to decorate the common areas in MMS offices.

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Last Updated: 05/05/2010, 02:13 PM

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