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This page last updated:
May 06, 2010

Rig picture Overview of OCS Regulations

The Secretary of Interior has been designated by law to manage and regulate leasing, exploration, development, and production of mineral resources on the OCS. All proposed Federal actions and gas and oil operations are subject to stringent oversight by numerous applicable Federal laws, MMS regulations, and coordination mandates.

Possible SOO Regulations Related to HT/HP Equipment Workshop Presentations from January 23, 2008:

Related MMS Publication:

  • Regulatory Compliance for OCS Oil and Gas Operations, OCS Report MMS 96-0039, is under revision.

Auxillary Links:

The listing provided below serves as a brief listing of the major statutes, and is not comprehensive.
NOTE: The following information is summary material, and is not meant to represent the exact text of the laws or regulations.


  • Environmental Safeguards

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