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EarthPAK Webinar
AAPG. An International Geological Organization

Important Deadlines

June 28

The short course tuition for Complex Well-Core Competency: An Asset Team Program goes up.

June 30

Abstracts are due for DOWAC: Deep Offshore West Africa Conerence in Abuja, Nigeria 14-19 November 2010.

Price increases for registration at 2010 International Conference & Exhibition in Calgary 12-15 September 2010.

July 15

Extended abstracts are due for the AAPG International Convention & Exhibition in Calgary (12-15 September 2010). Inquiries

August 1

Abstracts are due for Arctic Technology Conference in Houston 7-9 February 2011.

Today's News : News In Review... Enter the AAPG Blog Zone Inside AAPG
Monday, June 28, 2010

Frank Brown
Lawrence W. Funkhouser receives AAPG Foundation's highest honor, the L. Austin Weeks Memorial Medal, at the Annual Convention & Exhibition in New Orleans, Louisiana on April 11, 2010.

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