
Welcome to the web site of Inuit Circumpolar Council

The Inuit Circumpolar Council (ІСС) is the international organization representing approximately 160.000 Inuit living in the Arctic regions of Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Chukotka, Russia.

The principal goals of ІСС are:

  • To strengthen unity among Inuit of the Circumpolar region
  • To promote Inuit rights and interests on the international level
  • To ensure and further develop Inuit culture and society for both the present and future generations
  • To seek full and active participation in the political, economic, and social development in our homelands
  • To develop and encourage long-term policies which safeguard the Arctic environment
  • To work for international recognition of the human rights of all Indigenous Peoples 

Inuit Circumpolar Council is also involved in different international fora. Read more about ICC's work and involvements on this web site.

Please note that we are currently updating and re-structuring our web site.

Latest news


See Meetings and Cultural Events Live from 28th of June

General Assembly News


THAT we, the Inuit, are an indigenous people, with a unique ancestry, culture and homeland;

THAT the world’s arctic and sub-arctic areas which we use and occupy transcend political boundaries;

the world’s arctic and sub-arctic areas which we use and occupy transcend political boundaries;

THAT due to our historical inheritance and use and occupancy of our homeland we enjoy cultural rights unique to indigenous peoples and share common traditions, values and concerns; Read more about charter