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Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves

View a map that shows the location of Pacific OCS Region oil and gas fields:

Pacific OCS Map - small version

Click on map to view full size image.

Pacific OCS Region Reserves
Report Year Report Number
1999-2003 2007-012.pdf
1998 2000-063.pdf
1997 99-0023.pdf
1996 98-0001.pdf
1995 96-0060.pdf
1994 95-0062.pdf
1993 94-0059.pdf
1992 94-0008.pdf
1991 92-0073.pdf
1990 91-0087.pdf
1989 90-0086.pdf
1988 89-0085.pdf
1987 88-0047.pdf
1986 87-0045.pdf
1985 86-0066.pdf
1984 85-0041.pdf
1983 84-0024 pdf
1982 83-559.pdf
1981 82-37.pdf
1980 81.623.pdf
1979 80-1042.pdf
1978 80-477.pdf
1977 79-345.pdf
1976 78-384.pdf

Pacific Offshore Well Data also available at commercial public domain well log data site TGS.

For more information, contact: Armen Voskanian 805-389-7727

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Web Master: Nollie Gildow-Owens
Page content last updated 5/20/2010
Page last published 5/20/2010