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USA Government
Royalty Policy Committee


The committee provides advice on royalty management issues and other mineral-related policies to the Secretary of the Interior. It also provides a sounding board to convey views representative of mineral lessees, operators, revenue payors, recipients, government agencies and the interested public. (more...) pdf

Next Meeting


Please contact  Gina Dan for more information,  (303) 231-3392.


The Secretary appoints up to five members representing states that receive significant royalty revenue from Federal leases; up to five members representing Native Americans; up to seven members representing the various mineral interests including oil, gas and coal; and up to three members representing the public at large who have knowledge and interest in royalty issues. The Directors of MMS, BLM and BIA, or their designees, serve as ex officio, nonvoting members. The Associate Director for Minerals Revenue Management serves as the Designated Federal Officer. (more...) pdf

Subcommittee Reports

The committee appoints subcommittees to look at issues in-depth and report back to the Royalty Policy Committee. If acceptable to the full committee, the report is sent to the Secretary. (more...)

Meeting Minutes

Official RPC meeting records. (more...)