No. Weekly Update Report Data (Sheet 1 of 2) Version 1.1 logo
Agency Name: Department of Justice
Week End Date: 04/03/2009
Submitter Name: Melinda Morgan
Submitter Contact: 202-616-5809
Program Source/Treasury Account Symbol: Agency Code Program Source/Treasury Account Symbol: Account Code Program Source/Treasury Account Symbol; Sub-Account Code (OPTIONAL) Program Description (Account Title) Total Appropriation Total Obligations Total Disbursements
1 15 0402 OJP - Office of Justice Programs $2,761,929,825 $0 $0
2 15 0411 OVW - Office of Violence Against Women $225,563,910 $0 $0
3 15 0412 COPS - Community Oriented Policing Services $1,002,506,265 $324,901 $0
4 15 0421 OJPM&A - Office of Justice Programs Management and Administration $0 $0 $0
5 15 0326 OIG - Office of the Inspector General $2,000,000 $0 $0
6 15 0699 ATF - Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives $10,000,000 $0 $0

No. Weekly Update Report Data (Sheet 2 of 2) Version 1.1
Short bulleted list of the major actions taken to date Short bulleted list of the major planned actions
1 Office of Justice Programs (OJP) 15_0402: 1) BJA met with representatives from Calaveras County and Alpine County, CA to provide information on Recovery Act formula and discretionary funding. 2) OCOM staff participated in a conference call held at the request of Representative Sam Farr (D-CA) re Recovery Act funding. 3) OJP staff participated in the entrance conference with GAO re GAO ARRA oversight of states’ and localities’ use of certain DOJ grant program funds (COPS and Byrne/JAG formula & competitive) 4) The Director of OCOM participated in a Summit on Grant Funding at the Russell Building hosted by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson 5) BJA and OCOM staff hosted a teleconference, organized with Senator Sherrod Brown, with Ohio law enforcement officers and the officials from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office 6) BJA staff met with representatives from Carmel City, IN and Cathedral City, CA to provide information on Recovery Act formula and discretionary funding. 7) BJA and OCOM staff met with the Mayor of Milwaukee to discuss the Recovery Act JAG program. 8) OCOM staff conducted a Recovery Act briefing in Orlando, FL as the request of Representative Corrine Brown. OJP 15_0402: 1) The Recovery Act Combating Criminal Narcotics Activity Stemming from the Southern Border of the United States solicitation closes on April 17, 2009
  Office of Justice Programs (OJP) 15_0402 (continued): 9) 173 OJP employees and contractors attended the first day of Grant Fraud and Abuse training conducted by the OIG. We also included training by our OGC on the Presidential directive re contacts with registered federal lobbyists. 10) Posted a Recovery Act solicitation on for contractors to provide financial clerks to support the OJP accounting and financial management grants team for pre-award and post-award activities for Recovery Act grants.  
2 Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) 15_0411: 1)OVW met with Associate Attorney General, Tom Perrelli. 2) Met with OIG in preparation of staff training on Grant Fraud, Waste and Abuse. 3) OVW is working with OGC to develop a process to address NEPA/NHPA requirements. Tribal Governments and Transitional Housing recipients will be allowed to use Recovery Act funds for minor renovations. 4) OVW attended the DOJ Recovery Act Reporting Requirements working group. 5) OVW management met to discuss Risk Assessment requirements in OMB guidance. 6) Sponsored the 9th pre-application conference call for the RA Transitional Housing grant. The calls are now complete. 7) Drafted letter to Alaska. OVW will send it forward once we speak with the AK US Attorney's Office. 8) South Carolina is now in compliance with the STOP Certification. 9) OVW participated on a conference call for the Office of Tribal Justice. Call was arranged by the White House Intergovernmental Affairs Office. 10) OVW participated in a conference call with Congressman Farr's constituents to discuss OVW Recovery Act programs. 11) OVW participated on a webinar, co-hosted by the National Network to OVW 15_0411: 1) The Tribal Coalitions, Tribal Governments and Transitional Housing solicitations under the Recovery Act close on April 9 & 10. OVW will spend the next several weeks receiving and reviewing the applications. OVW anticipates approximately 600 - 700 applications. 2) Begin the award making process for RA STOP Formula and State Coalitions grant programs.
  Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) 15_0411 (continued): End Domestic Violence, the national Alliance to End Homelessness and the National Law Center on Poverty and Homelessness to discuss the RA Transitional Housing program. 12) STOP Formula Grant special conditions were approved and uploaded into GMS. 13) The award making process will begin the week of April 6 for STOP Formula and State Coalitions grantees who are not deemed to be high risk. 14) OVW has created a process to identify High Risk grantees. Such awards will not be processed until the high risk grantee special condition created by OJP has been approved and can be included on the award document. 15) OVW staff continues to meet with OIG.  
3 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) 15_0412: 1) COPS briefed the Associate Attorney General on the CHRP online application process, application scoring options, and the business process review of pre-award activities. 2) COPS Staff have prepared and will soon forward briefing papers on the implementation of Recovery Act funding for the Attorney General’s appropriations hearings. 3) COPS hosted our annual Congressional Open House on Friday, April 3. 4) COPS staff participated in a Recovery Act workshop hosted by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and a conference call hosted by Congressman Sam Farr with law enforcement in his district. 5) The COPS Office participated in a video conference with law enforcement throughout Wisconsin. The video conference was hosted by the U.S. Attorney’s office in Milwaukee. 6) COPS Staff briefed officials on CHRP from the following areas: Calaveras County, CA; Cathedral City, CA; Glendale, CA; Winston Salem, NC 7) COPS staff met with the GAO and OIG to discuss the COPS Hiring Recovery Program. COPS 15_0412: 1)COPS Staff will continue to review application data to validate submissions and “clean” data (e.g., misspellings, etc.).
6 Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) 15_0699: 1) ATF closed the solicitation for vehicle purchases. 2) ATF has identified office space for all of the gunrunner teams (some will be in shared space rather than in GSA space) 3) ATF received State Department approval for 4 additional agents in Mexico (2 Tijuana, 2 Juarez) ATF 15_0699: 1) ATF to award contract for vehicle purchases by mid-April 2009 2) ATF and GSA to identify rent costs for gunrunner teams in GSA leased space