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Kagan's Solomon gaffe

Right Matters | Elana Kagan argued colleges had a right to government funding while discriminating against military recruiters. It may haunt her.

Kagan's Solomon gaffe

Family and friends

Discussion | After years in which teens were often portrayed as rebelling against their parents, have parents become cool?
U.S. offers $1.5 million to Falun Gong members

State Department decides to fund a software group run by practitioners of Buddhist-like sect long considered Enemy No. 1 by Chinese government.

John Pomfret

Karzai urging caution on U.S. plan

Afghan president, meeting with Obama, is wary of approach to empower local leaders.

Greg Jaffe and Karen DeYoung

U.S., U.K. alliance questioned

The Take | Following election, reality might be that the alliance has outlived its usefulness.

Dan Balz | 9:15 a.m. ET

2nd containment box lowered

Video | Smaller box is being lowered into the Gulf of Mexico near site of blown-out oil well.

Associated Press

Switch haunts reelection bid

Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter is still explaining to voters why he left the GOP. » Paul Kane

Supreme Court's ties to the Ivies

What Kagan's Harvard credentials could mean for a court already packed with Ivy Leaguers.

Sarah Kaufman and Dan Zak

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