CNN iReport CNN iReport

Assignment Desk
Share your story about one of these topics in the news and it may end up on CNN!

Is severe weather happening where you are? CNN and iReport want to hear your story. Share your stories, photos and video.   The weather is often unpredictable and sometimes dangerous.… »

Tell your story like a pro

Educators across the country are facing layoffs as school systems grapple with budget shortfalls. The layoffs are having a profound affect on… »
A huge oil slick caused by last week’s rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico is threatening the U.S. Gulf Coast and authorities are trying to… »
Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha are back in the upcoming movie “Sex and the City 2,” and the cast is taking your questions! Here is… »
We've all done it: gone way too long in the sun without protection, and ended up paying the price. Each year more than one million cases of… »